How can I get an optional Form,"/config", include_in_schema=False)
async def postconfig(request: Request,
gitlabtoken:str = Form(...),
gitlaburl:str = Form(...),
projectids:str = Form(...),
jobscopes:str = Form(...),
filter:str = Form(...),
blacklist:str = Form(...),
historyurls:Optional[str] = Form(...)
""" update config fields in mem """
When I post updates with historyurls="", it fails passing pydantic returning 422:
{"detail":[{"type":"missing","loc":["body","historyurls"],"msg":"Field required","input":null,"url":""}]}
I can add something to historyurls, or I can also use pydantic.ValidationError, but should not the Optional take care of this?
Make historyurls accept None by explicitly setting None as the default value:
historyurls: str = Form(None)
historyurls: Optional[str] = Form(None)