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Branch always defaults to Master when running build pipeline via Azure Devops REST API

I have set up a powershell script which runs a build pipeline within Azure Devops via the REST API, this works but always specifies the branch as master, even when I specify a different branch.

I have the code set up as per the below (with the sensitive details omitted):

  $body = @{
        stagesToSkip = @{}
        resources = 
            repositories = 
                "self" = @{
                "refName" = 'refs/heads/test123'}
        templateParameters = @{}
        variables = @{

            'variable1' = @{
                value = $textBox1.Text
            'variable2' = @{
                value = $textBox2.Text
            'variable3' = @{
                value = $textBox3.Text
            'variable4' = @{
                value = $textBox4.Text
            'variable5' = @{
                value = $textBox5.Text
            'variable6'= @{
                value = $textBox6.Text
            'variable7'= @{
                value = $textBox7.Text
            'variable8'= @{
                value = $textBox8.Text
            'variable9'= @{
                value = $textBox9.Text
            'variable10'= @{
                value = $textBox10.Text
            'variable11'= @{
                value = $textBox11.Text
            'variable12'= @{
                value = $textBox12.Text
            'variable13'= @{
                value = $textBox13.Text
    } | ConvertTo-Json

    $headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
    $headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
    $headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic [Omitted PAT]")
    $response = Invoke-RestMethod '[OrgName]/[ProjectName]/_apis/pipelines/22/runs?api-version=7.0' -Method 'POST' -Headers $headers -Body $body
    $response | ConvertTo-Json

You can see from this that within the request body, the 'refname' value is set to the branch test123, which is a test branch I created (though the same issue occurs regardless of which branch I try).

As per the output from running this script, it sets the branch to Master and ignores what I have specified:

    "_links":  {
                   "self":  {
                                "href":  "[OrgName]/68babb1f-0ed8-4b26-8f68-a3c492c31279/_apis/pipelines/22/runs/1371"
                   "web":  {
                               "href":  "[OrgName]/68babb1f-0ed8-4b26-8f68-a3c492c31279/_build/results?buildId=1371"
                   "pipeline.web":  {
                                        "href":  "[OrgName]/68babb1f-0ed8-4b26-8f68-a3c492c31279/_build/definition?definitionId=22"
                   "pipeline":  {
                                    "href":  "[OrgName]/68babb1f-0ed8-4b26-8f68-a3c492c31279/_apis/pipelines/22?revision=152"
    "variables":  {
                      "variable1":  {
                                                "value":  ""
                      "variable2":  {
                                   "value":  ""
                      "variable3":  {
                                      "value":  "Yes"
                      "variable4":  {
                                                "value":  ""
                      "variable5":  {
                                            "value":  ""
                      "variable6":  {
                                                  "value":  ""
                      "variable7":  {
                                            "value":  ""
                      "variable8":  {
                                                     "value":  ""
                      "variable9":  {
                                             "value":  ""
                      "variable10":  {
                                          "value":  ""
                      "variable11":  {
                                      "value":  ""
                      "variable12":  {
                                        "value":  ""
                      "variable13":  {
                                           "value":  ""
    "templateParameters":  {

    "pipeline":  {
                     "url":  "[OrgName]/68babb1f-0ed8-4b26-8f68-a3c492c31279/_apis/pipelines/22?revision=152",
                     "id":  22,
                     "revision":  152,
                     "name":  "Container Build",
                     "folder":  "\\"
    "state":  "inProgress",
    "createdDate":  "2024-01-08T11:25:06.1776032Z",
    "url":  "[OrgName]/68babb1f-0ed8-4b26-8f68-a3c492c31279/_apis/pipelines/22/runs/1371",
    "resources":  {
                      "repositories":  {
                                           "self":  "@{repository=; refName=refs/heads/master}"
    "id":  1371,
    "name":  "1371"

I need to be able to swap out the branch in this script, as it is a major aspect of the work I am involved in. How do I set this up correctly? As an FYI, I am using a classic Azure Devops pipeline as opposed to YAML-based.

I have tried various formats and syntaxes for the body of the request, which makes no difference.

I expect that when I specify a particular branch in the body of the request, it checks out that branch when the build pipeline runs, but instead it always uses Master.


  • Based on your description, you are using the Classic Azure DevOps Pipeline.

    The Rest API you are currently using applies to YAML Pipeline change branches. Runs - Run Pipeline

    To set the Classic Pipeline Run Source Branch, you need to change to use the Rest API: Builds - Queue

    For example:

    Rest API:


    Request Body:


    Powershell example:

      $body= @'
        $token = "PAT"
        $token = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(":$($token)"))
        $headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
        $headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
        $headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $token")
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod '' -Method 'POST' -Headers $headers -Body $body
        $response | ConvertTo-Json

    You can set the variables in the parameters field of the request body. And you can set Pipeline Run source branch via sourceBranch field.


    enter image description here