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require() of ES Module myRoute\node_modules\inquirer\lib\prompts\base.js not supported

I have an application built with Angular 17, Ionic 7 and I wish to use firebase firestore services, to do that I need to use @angular/fire library, but when I try to install and use version 17 of Fire with

ng add @angular/fire

I get the following CommonJS modules:

require() of ES Module miRuta\node_modules\inquirer\lib\prompts\base.js from 
  miRuta\node_modules\inquirer-autocomplete-prompt\index.js not supported. 
Instead change the require of base.js in 
  miRuta\node_modules\inquirer-autocomplete-prompt\index.js to a dynamic import()
which is available in all CommonJS modules.

I tried changing a lot of things in tsconfig.json, uninstalling inquirer, and with Angular 16 too, but I had no luck.

Any thoughts?


  • I had the same problem trying to install angular/fire. Just update inquier plugin

    npm install inquirer-autocomplete-prompt@^3.0.1

    Then, try to install angular/fire again