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NET8 NativeAOT: Type.GetProperties() doesn't work for some types but does for others! why?

I have a program which was successfully published with NET8 NativeAOT, but Type.GetProperties() works for some class where properties r returned properly, but not for others, where it returns no property at all. i don't know why nor find a clue to debug. Can someone give some hints?

it doesn't work for a simple class like :

    public sealed partial class UILogText(string name = "", string text = "") 
        public string Name { get; set; } = name;
        public string Text { get; set; } = text;

        public override string ToString() => Text;

but works well for some complicated class like :

 public sealed partial class GatewayInfo : GatewayEntry, IEntryInfo 
       //39 public properties (note:not fields) ...

I know nothing more can i do with it.

I know NativeAOT has problems with reflections in some cases, but the problem here is that it already worked for some classes. I can't tell the key difference between above mentioned exmaples.

Can someone give a hint on what's happening here? or any clue to find out?


  • [method: DynamicDependency(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicProperties, typeof(UILogText))]
        public sealed partial class UILogText(string name = "", string text = "") 
            public string Name { get; set; } = name;
            public string Text { get; set; } = text;
            public override string ToString() => Text;

    According to comment above, add DynamicDependencyAttribute solved my problem!