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Using when typing into single excel cell

I am entering in a simple string to a worksheet on an existing workbook to signify that no exceptions have been found in the code for that particular business check - 'No Data to Display'

I have the below code in order to do this but for some reason, when I use the referenced save path from the config file 'config.sod_report_full_name' it doesn't save the text in the cell.

If I hard code the save path as a normal string it does work... but I can't use this way as the save path is dynamic.

file_source = config.sod_report_full_name
workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename=file_source)
worksheet = workbook['Shareclass Check 2']
print("Writing - No Data to Display")
worksheet['C5'] = 'No Data to Display'
workbook.template = False
print("No exceptions for Shareclass 2 check")


  • The openpyxl was classing with my writer method causing an overwrite to occur on the spreadsheet.

    Created a datafram and trimmed to one cell and pasted in using writer instead.