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Cannot set Environment Variables - Apache 2.4.57 AlmaLinux

I have some issues to set the LANG environment variable to my apache webserver.

When I print out the configuration (using php_info()) at my php-File I get the following entries (for environment):

enter image description here

Regarding the fact, that it should already been set on the default service settings (/usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service):

# See httpd.service(8) for more information on using the httpd service.

# Modifying this file in-place is not recommended, because changes
# will be overwritten during package upgrades.  To customize the
# behaviour, run "systemctl edit httpd" to create an override unit.

# For example, to pass additional options (such as -D definitions) to
# the httpd binary at startup, create an override unit (as is done by
# systemctl edit) and enter the following:

#       [Service]
#       Environment=OPTIONS=-DMY_DEFINE

Description=The Apache HTTP Server
Wants=httpd-init.service httpd-init.service

Environment=LANG=C  # <-----------------------------------


Even when I try to modify enviroment of the service with additional files like /etc/systemd/system/httpd.service.d/xxx.conf:


The environment still just contains "USER" and "HOME".

Additional information:

httpd -v
Server version: Apache/2.4.57 (AlmaLinux)
Server built:   Jul 20 2023 00:00:00

ENV Apache Module is loaded:

[root@alma-master ~]# httpd -M
Loaded Modules:
env_module (shared)

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!


  • The reason for this behavior was PHP-FPM (which seems to be a default module at recent linux versions) - in older version this module was not installed when I run "yum install php"

    All you have to do - set the parameter "clear_env" (default yes) to no.


    clear_env = no