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Is there a way to disable foreign key constraints when any "down" function triggers?

I'm discussing an efficient approach to execute the Schema::disableForeignKeyConstraints() whenever an artisan migrate:refresh command is executed. For instance, we can integrate it into the migration file within the down() method. Here's an example:

public function down()
    Schema::disableForeignKeyConstraints(); // Disable foreign key constraints
    Schema::dropIfExists('table'); // Delete the table
    Schema::enableForeignKeyConstraints(); // Re-enable foreign key constraints

Is there an event designed for table drops that we can leverage by invoking it in the AppServiceProvider? This would be a more streamlined solution than adding these two lines to each migration file.


  • Laravel will trigger MigrationsStarted and MigrationsEnded events during the migration process.

    You may consider implementing the following methods in EventServiceProvider:

    use Illuminate\Database\Events\MigrationsEnded;
    use Illuminate\Database\Events\MigrationsStarted;
    use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event;
    use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
    public function boot()
        // Listen for the event that migrations are starting.
        Event::listen(MigrationsStarted::class, function () {
        // Listen for the event that migrations have ended.
        Event::listen(MigrationsEnded::class, function () {