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SplitView like Facebook app on iPhone

I want to create an iPhone app that uses a navigation scene similar to the one pictured in the link


Please note I do not want this to only work for iPad, I want it to work for iPhone exactly as pictured, when you click on a tableview item it hides the tableview and makes that view full screen. I want ideas on how to do this because I cannot figure it out myself.



  • Facebook guys have done brilliant job in the new version of the app. The similar open source code can be found from here - JTRevealSidebarDemo. Please note that as of June 2014, this project has been discontinued, so you'll probably have better luck with a project from the list below.

    It reveals technique behind doing split view for iPhone.

    Some other open source code:

    1. JWSlideMenu
    2. DDMenuController
    3. PKRevealController
    4. ViewDeck
    5. ECSlidingViewController
    6. MWFSlideNavigationViewController
    7. MFSideMenu
    8. SASlideMenu
    9. HHTabListController
    10. MTSlideViewController
    11. MTStackViewController
    12. MMDrawerController
    13. DMSideMenuController
    14. JVFloatingDrawer