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Finding/creating a GitLab CI docker image for running `spring-boot:build-image`

I am having an issue with finding or creating a docker image that I can use on GitLab CI that will allow me to run mvn package, that in turn calls spring-boot:build-image

I have specified in my config that I need the dind container as a service, but I am unsure the best way to find a docker container that has docker, java and maven installed.

I am also not sure exactly how to create my own that I can then share for this purpose.

I am using dev containers for this project so I might try to snapshot that but that doesn’t seem the best for repeatability.


  • Using the docker image docker:24.0.7 I was able to add java 21 to it as part of the before_script to allow me to run both the docker commands and the java/maven (using the wrapper) ones.

    The Docker image is built on Alpine so you can use before_script: - apk add --update openjdk21

    You will need to pass the parameters to the pom file as variables for it to authenticate with GitLab for the push, logging on via the docker cli did not work.



      # Use TLS
      DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2376
      DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR: "/certs"
      - build
      stage: build
      image: docker:24.0.7
        - apk add --update openjdk21 
        - name: docker:24.0.7-dind
          alias: docker
        - echo "Compiling the code, building docker image and publishing..."
        - ./mvnw package 
        - echo "Maven Package complete"
        name: "Learning"
        when: on_success
        expire_in: "30 days"
          - "distro/target/distro-*.jar"