I work in an ecosystem with a million Google projects, services, and accounts. I have a Google Calendar API client_id and client_secret, and I'd like to upgrade the billing on that API account.
Is there a way for me to search for the API credentials and update the billing given just the client_id and client_secret? We're getting rate limited and would like to upgrade the billing to get these events shipped.
The Client ID contains the project number, which will be the first set of numbers up to the hyphen.
The project number is 889131808289
Use the command gcloud projects describe PROJECT_NUMBER
to get details on the project.
gcloud projects describe 889131808289
createTime: '2018-10-13T04:30:17.002Z'
firebase: enabled
lifecycleState: ACTIVE
name: Development
id: '834075312893'
type: folder
projectId: development-304587
projectNumber: '889131808289'
Note: For security, the secrets above are not valid values.
Once you have the Project ID, you can then match the project to the corresponding billing account by a manual process. You can also use the Google Cloud Console GUI to easily look up the billing account for a project link and link.
When I have a large number of billing accounts and projects, I create a table manually listing all billing accounts and their projects. A simple Python program can parse the JSON and create a searchable table:
gcloud billing accounts list --format=json
gcloud billing projects list --billing-account=0101A4-9F1278-8A34FF --format=json
The correct IAM roles to access this level of project and billing information are required on your IAM principal.
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