I am working on a Flexdashboard with runtime Shiny where I'm plotting a Donut chart. The slices depend on a certain variable and sometimes are too small for the percentage to be shown inside, in which case the labels are displayed outside the chart like in the image below.
is there a way to keep the labels/percentages with big enough slices and get rid of the ones that are on the outside due to smaller slices? the way it looks in the image above is just too messy and I want to be able to see the percentage data without having to hover over it.
this the data and code
InT <- data.frame(Category = c(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,AA,AB),
`Category Value` = c(172928,1106269,222102,0,1054448,682990,1975937,779346,12398,0,1450944,368130,2493154,4347455,1865752,1443840,692972,61891,6443758,1539659,1659183,2711385,856182,1992250,3722195,2762090,257023,1204422))
plot_ly(InT, labels = ~Category, values = ~`Category Value`) %>%
add_pie(hole = 0.6) %>%
layout(title = "", showlegend = F,
xaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = FALSE, showticklabels = TRUE),
yaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = FALSE, showticklabels = TRUE))
from forcats
package.InT <- data.frame
use InT <- as_data_frame
or tibble
if you want to use Category Value
as name. Because data.frame
and as.data.frame
changes names to .
separated ones. In case it is intended to use Category.Value
(which is good) then you have to adapt your further code.data.frame
then pass a list of vectors and add check.names = FALSE
then the variable name will keep as Category Value
Here are some options:InT <- tibble(
Category = c(LETTERS, "AA", "AB"),
`Category Value` = c(172928, 1106269, 222102, 0, 1054448, 682990, 1975937, 779346, 12398, 0, 1450944, 368130, 2493154, 4347455, 1865752, 1443840, 692972, 61891, 6443758, 1539659, 1659183, 2711385, 856182, 1992250, 3722195, 2762090, 257023, 1204422)
InT <- as_data_frame(list(
Category = c(LETTERS, "AA", "AB"),
`Category Value` = c(172928, 1106269, 222102, 0, 1054448, 682990, 1975937, 779346, 12398, 0, 1450944, 368130, 2493154, 4347455, 1865752, 1443840, 692972, 61891, 6443758, 1539659, 1659183, 2711385, 856182, 1992250, 3722195, 2762090, 257023, 1204422)
InT <- data.frame(list(
Category = c(LETTERS, "AA", "AB"),
`Category Value` = c(172928, 1106269, 222102, 0, 1054448, 682990, 1975937, 779346, 12398, 0, 1450944, 368130, 2493154, 4347455, 1865752, 1443840, 692972, 61891, 6443758, 1539659, 1659183, 2711385, 856182, 1992250, 3722195, 2762090, 257023, 1204422)
), check.names = FALSE)
The lumpted plot:
InT %>%
mutate(Category = fct_lump_min(Category, min = 400000, w = `Category Value`)) %>%
summarise(`Category Value` = sum(`Category Value`), .by=Category) %>%
plot_ly(labels = ~Category, values = ~`Category Value`) %>%
add_pie(hole = 0.6) %>%
layout(title = "", showlegend = F,
xaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = FALSE, showticklabels = TRUE),
yaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = FALSE, showticklabels = TRUE))