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Django: How to get a muttable object from get_object_or_404 in django?

I'm using Django==4.2 and after using get_object_or_404 function in my view I get an immutable object.

result = get_object_or_404(MyModel, id=id)

And I need to pass this "result" to my form (in post method):

request.POST["result"] = result

However, on post I'm getting this error:

This QueryDict instance is immutable

I've tried to do something like

result = result.copy()

to make it mutable but it didn't work.

So, what should I do to make the "result" mutable, so I can pass it to the form?



  • In Django, the request.POST QueryDict is immutable by design to prevent accidental modification of form data. If you need to include additional data, including your result object, you should use a different dictionary, such as request.POST.copy() or a new dictionary altogether.

    Here's how you can achieve that:

    result = get_object_or_404(MyModel, id=id)
    # Make a mutable copy of request.POST
    mutable_post = request.POST.copy()
    # Add your result to the mutable_post dictionary
    mutable_post["result"] = result
    # Now use the mutable_post dictionary in your form
    my_form = MyForm(mutable_post)

    This way, you're not modifying the original request.POST but creating a mutable copy and adding your result to it.

    Make sure to handle the form validation and processing appropriately after creating the form instance.