I'm consistently getting type errors from either mypy or pyright when using polars namespace registration functions. Is there a way I can avoid type-checker errors other than hinting # type: ignore[attr-defined]
every time I'm using a function from my custom namespace?
Example follows from the official documentation https://docs.pola.rs/py-polars/html/reference/api.html :
file checker.py
import polars as pl
class Greetings:
def __init__(self, expr: pl.Expr):
self._expr = expr
def hello(self) -> pl.Expr:
return (pl.lit("Hello ") + self._expr).alias("hi there")
def goodbye(self) -> pl.Expr:
return (pl.lit("Sayōnara ") + self._expr).alias("bye")
print(pl.DataFrame(data=["world", "world!", "world!!"]).select(
pl.all().greetings.hello(), # type: ignore[attr-defined]
% mypy checker.py
checker.py:19: error: "Expr" has no attribute "greetings" [attr-defined]
Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file
% mypy --version
mypy 1.8.0 (compiled: yes)
% pyright checker.py
/apth/to/checker.py:19:18 - error: Cannot access member "greetings" for type "Expr"
Member "greetings" is unknown (reportGeneralTypeIssues)
1 error, 0 warnings, 0 informations
% pyright --version
pyright 1.1.343
Polars API registration is non-compliant with Python's typing system. First and foremost, Polars can help by providing a dynamic attribute access typing hint. Without them doing this, only type-checkers with modding or plugin support can allow you to get around this.
Type checkers (both mypy and Pyright) require error suppression because polars.expr.expr.Expr
does not have the dynamic attribute accessor defined. The presence of something like this:
class Expr:
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
def __getattr__(self, attr_name: str, /) -> typing.Any: ...
is sufficient to silence type checkers about dynamic attribute access (see mypy Playground, Pyright Playground, also typing documentation >> Type System Reference >> Type Stubs >> Attribute Access - this equally applies to inline types in source files, such as Polars' .py
files). I would suggest filing an issue with the Polars devs to ask them to add a dynamic __getattr__
for typing purposes only.
For Pyright, these errors can't be suppressed except using a per-line # type: ignore
s, or bunch of file-level type controls like # pyright: reportUnknownMemberType=none, reportGeneralTypeIssues=none
. Pyright's BDFL has previously expressed reluctance for plugin support, so it is unmoddable until someone writes a Typing PEP to propose a standard for somehow dynamically registering namespaces.
It'd be great if Polars supported dynamic namespace registration, at least in mypy, through a mypy plugin - I suggest pushing for this. You can use the following as an inspiration, which provides full static type checking of the registered namespaces.
This is the kind of result you'd want to get:
import polars as pl
class Greetings:
def __init__(self, expr: pl.Expr):
self._expr = expr
def hello(self) -> pl.Expr:
return (pl.lit("Hello ") + self._expr).alias("hi there")
def goodbye(self) -> pl.Expr:
return (pl.lit("Sayōnara ") + self._expr).alias("bye")
>>> print(
... pl.DataFrame(data=["world", "world!", "world!!"]).select(
... [
... pl.all().greetings.hello(),
... pl.all().greetings.goodbye(1), # mypy: Too many arguments for "goodbye" of "Greetings" [call-arg]
... pl.all().asdfjkl # mypy: `polars.expr.expr.Expr` object has no attribute `asdfjkl` [misc]
... ]
... )
... )
Contents of mypy.ini
plugins = mypy_polars_plugin.py
Contents of mypy_polars_plugin.py
from __future__ import annotations
import typing_extensions as t
import mypy.nodes
import mypy.plugin
import mypy.plugins.common
import collections.abc as cx
import mypy.options
import mypy.types
STR___GETATTR___NAME: t.Final = "__getattr__"
STR_POLARS_EXPR_MODULE_NAME: t.Final = "polars.expr.expr"
STR_POLARS_EXPR_REGISTER_EXPR_NAMESPACE_FULLNAME: t.Final = "polars.api.register_expr_namespace"
def plugin(version: str) -> type[PolarsPlugin]:
return PolarsPlugin
class PolarsPlugin(mypy.plugin.Plugin):
_polars_expr_namespace_name_to_type_dict: dict[str, mypy.types.Type]
def __init__(self, options: mypy.options.Options) -> None:
self._polars_expr_namespace_name_to_type_dict = {}
def get_customize_class_mro_hook(
self, fullname: str
) -> cx.Callable[[mypy.plugin.ClassDefContext], None] | None:
mypy requires the presence of `__getattr__` or `__getattribute__` for
`get_attribute_hook` to work on dynamic attributes. This hook-getter adds
`__getattr__` to the class definition of `polars.expr.expr.Expr`.
return add_getattr
return None
def get_class_decorator_hook_2(
self, fullname: str
) -> cx.Callable[[mypy.plugin.ClassDefContext], bool] | None:
Makes mypy recognise the class decorator factory
`@polars.api.register_expr_namespace(...)` in the following context:
@polars.api.register_expr_namespace(<namespace name>)
class <Namespace>: ...
Accumulates a mapping of a bunch of potential attributes to be accessible on
instances of `polars.expr.expr.Expr`; the mapping has entries which look like
`<namespace name>: <Namespace>`
return self.polars_expr_namespace_registering_hook
return None
def get_attribute_hook(
self, fullname: str
) -> cx.Callable[[mypy.plugin.AttributeContext], mypy.types.Type] | None:
Makes mypy understand that, whenever an attribute is accessed from instances of
`polars.expr.expr.Expr` and the attribute doesn't exist, reach for the
attributes accumulated in the mapping through the actions of
if fullname.startswith(f"{STR_POLARS_EXPR_FULLNAME}."):
return self.polars_expr_attribute_hook
return None
def polars_expr_namespace_registering_hook(
self, ctx: mypy.plugin.ClassDefContext
) -> bool:
Use the decorator factory `polars.api.register_expr_namespace(<namespace name>)`
to register available dynamic attributes later accessed from instances of
`polars.expr.expr.Expr`. Returns whether the class has enough information to be
considered semantically analysed.
# Ensure that the class decorator expression looks like
# `@polars.api.register_expr_namespace(<namespace name>)`
namespace_arg: str | None
if (
(not isinstance(ctx.reason, mypy.nodes.CallExpr))
or (len(ctx.reason.args) != 1)
or (
(namespace_arg := ctx.api.parse_str_literal(ctx.reason.args[0])) is None
# If the decorator factory expression doesn't look valid, do an early
# return.
return True
] = ctx.api.named_type(ctx.cls.fullname)
return True
def polars_expr_attribute_hook(
self, ctx: mypy.plugin.AttributeContext
) -> mypy.types.Type:
Reaches for registered namespaces when accessing attributes on instances of
`polars.expr.expr.Expr`. Shows an error when the attribute doesn't exist.
assert isinstance(ctx.context, mypy.nodes.MemberExpr)
attr_name: str = ctx.context.name
namespace_type: mypy.types.Type | None = (
if namespace_type is not None:
return namespace_type
f"`{STR_POLARS_EXPR_FULLNAME}` object has no attribute `{attr_name}`",
return mypy.types.AnyType(mypy.types.TypeOfAny.from_error)
def add_getattr(ctx: mypy.plugin.ClassDefContext) -> None:
name="attr_name", type=ctx.api.named_type("builtins.str")
Contents of test.py
import polars as pl
class Greetings:
def __init__(self, expr: pl.Expr):
self._expr = expr
def hello(self) -> pl.Expr:
return (pl.lit("Hello ") + self._expr).alias("hi there")
def goodbye(self) -> pl.Expr:
return (pl.lit("Sayōnara ") + self._expr).alias("bye")
pl.DataFrame(data=["world", "world!", "world!!"]).select(
pl.all().greetings.goodbye(1), # mypy: Too many arguments for "goodbye" of "Greetings" [call-arg]
pl.all().asdfjkl # mypy: `polars.expr.expr.Expr` object has no attribute `asdfjkl`