In Django it is possible to change the urlpatterns dynamically.
For example the i18n module is doing this.
I want something similar which is changing the pattern depending on the hostname for a view.
for exmaple for I want:
path("articles/", views.articles),
path("articolo/", views.articles),
path("artikel/", views.articles),
There should be a lookup table for each hostname and a default value if it is not defined.
How could I do this without creating a new for each hostname?
We can use the method lazy to use methods as an url pattern:
Here is an example:
from django.conf.urls import url
from django.utils.translation import get_language
from django.utils.functional import lazy
from django.urls import path
url_citylist = {
'de': 'staedteliste',
'pl': 'lista-miast',
'en': 'citylist',
def get_pattern():
current_language = get_language()
if current_language in url_citylist:
pattern = url_citylist[current_language]
pattern = url_citylist['de']
return pattern
def city_list_url():
return r'^' + get_pattern() + '/$'
lazy_city_list_url = lazy(city_list_url, str)
urlpatterns = [
url(lazy_city_list_url(), views.CityListView.as_view(), name='city_list'),