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Override HTML element visibility controlled by a <details> tag

I wanted to make an element inside a <details> tag be visible even if the <details> tag is not open using CSS styles. I tried using visibility, display, position, modifying the <details> tag height, etc. but nothing worked.

In this example I want the second paragraph to be visible even after closing the <details> tag:

  <p>A paragraph</p>
  <p> An another paragraph</p>

How could I achieve this? Is this possible to do without manipulating the DOM structure?


  • NOTE: this DOES manipulate the DOM structure.

    You cannot do this strictly with CSS that I know of however you can clone the paragraph and append it after the <details> element - might effect you style and you may need to account for that somehow.

    Here is a verbose version of the script to show what it is doing. Note I added a class to the paragraph in the details to hide it always...

    If this does not provide enough you might need to update something during the toggle event ref:

    let details = document.querySelector('details');
    let secondP = details.querySelector('p:last-of-type');
    let clonedSecond = secondP.cloneNode(true);
    .hide-me {
      display: none;
      <p>A paragraph</p>
      <p> An another paragraph</p>