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CC2538 bare metal project compile but doesn't work

I'm new to embedded development and I'm currently trying to develop a project for a custom board based on TI's CC2538SF53 microcontroller. I've based the code on some tutorials I've seen online and on the code used in Contiki's repository in Github.

I can compile and link my project just fine, but I still can't make my program run in the board so I assume I must be mapping my memory wrong or something.

I tested the board with different binaries compiled for this it and they work just fine. I don't have access to the source code from which those binaries were compiled so I can't use them as reference.

Does anyone have any experience with this chip? Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong? Here's my startup and linker files:

Edit: While answering one comment I've realized that it might be useful to have the full source code and the binaries compiled from it so I'll leave here a link to a Drive folder containing those: Full Project (binaries in build subdir)


#include <stdint.h>
#include "eposInterrupts.h"   // Interrupt handlers are defined here

#define FLASH_START_ADDR            0x00200000  //* Flash start address *//
#define FLASH_IMAGE_VALID           0x00000000  //* Identifies that the image in flash is valid *//
#define BOOTLOADER_BACKDOOR_ENABLE  0xFFFFFFF9  //* Enables the Bootloader Backdoor on GPIOA1 *//

#define SRAM_START  0x20000000                  //* SRAM starting location *//
#define SRAM_LENGTH (16 * 1024)                 //* 16 kB *//

void reset_handler(void);

// Reserve space for the system stack.
__attribute__ ((section(".stack"), used))
static uint32_t stack[128];

__attribute__ ((section(".vectors"), used))
void (* const vectors[])(void) = {
   (void (*)(void))((uint32_t)stack + sizeof(stack)),       // 0 Stack pointer
   reset_handler,                                           // 1 Reset handler
   NMI_handler,                                             // 2 The NMI handler
   hard_fault_handler,                                      // 3 The hard fault handler
   mem_manage_fault_handler,                                // 4 The MPU fault handler
   bus_fault_handler,                                       // 5 The bus fault handler
   usage_fault_handler,                                     // 6 The usage fault handler
   0,                                                       // 7 Reserved
   0,                                                       // 8 Reserved
   0,                                                       // 9 Reserved
   0,                                                       // 10 Reserved
   sv_call_handler,                                         // 11 SVCall handler
   debug_monitor_handler,                                   // 12 Debug monitor handler
   0,                                                       // 13 Reserved
   pend_sv_call_handler,                                    // 14 The PendSV handler
   systick_handler,                                         // 15 The SysTick handler
   GPIOA_handler,                                           // 16 GPIO Port A
   GPIOB_handler,                                           // 17 GPIO Port B
   GPIOC_handler,                                           // 18 GPIO Port C
   GPIOD_handler,                                           // 19 GPIO Port D
   0,                                                       // 20 none
   UART0_handler,                                           // 21 UART0 Rx and Tx
   UART1_handler,                                           // 22 UART1 Rx and Tx
   SSI0_handler,                                            // 23 SSI0 Rx and Tx
   I2C_handler,                                             // 24 I2C Master and Slave
   0,                                                       // 25 Reserved
   0,                                                       // 26 Reserved
   0,                                                       // 27 Reserved
   0,                                                       // 28 Reserved
   0,                                                       // 29 Reserved
   ADC_handler,                                             // 30 ADC Sequence 0
   0,                                                       // 31 Reserved
   0,                                                       // 32 Reserved
   0,                                                       // 33 Reserved
   watchdog_handler,                                        // 34 Watchdog timer 
   timer0A_handler,                                         // 35 Timer 0 subtimer A
   timer0B_handler,                                         // 36 Timer 0 subtimer B
   timer1A_handler,                                         // 37 Timer 1 subtimer A
   timer1B_handler,                                         // 38 Timer 1 subtimer B
   timer2A_handler,                                         // 39 Timer 2 subtimer A
   timer2B_handler,                                         // 40 Timer 2 subtimer B
   analog_comparator_handler,                               // 41 Analog Comparator 0
   RF_Core_Rx_Tx_handler,                                   // 42 RFCore Rx/Tx (Alternate)
   RF_Core_error_handler,                                   // 43 RFCore Error (Alternate)
   system_control_handler,                                  // 44 IcePick
   flash_control_handler,                                   // 45 FLASH Control
   AES_handler,                                             // 46 AES (Alternate)
   PKA_handler,                                             // 47 PKA (Alternate)
   sleep_timer_handler,                                     // 48 Sleep Timer (Alternate)
   MAC_timer_handler,                                       // 49 MacTimer (Alternate)
   SSI1_handler,                                            // 50 SSI1 Rx and Tx
   timer3A_handler,                                         // 51 Timer 3 subtimer A
   timer3B_handler,                                         // 52 Timer 3 subtimer B
   0,                                                       // 53 Reserved
   0,                                                       // 54 Reserved
   0,                                                       // 55 Reserved
   0,                                                       // 56 Reserved
   0,                                                       // 57 Reserved
   0,                                                       // 58 Reserved
   0,                                                       // 59 Reserved
   0,                                                       // 60 Reserved
   0,                                                       // 61 Reserved
   uDMA_handler,                                            // 62 uDMA
   uDMA_error_handler,                                      // 63 uDMA Error
   0,                                                       // 64 Unused
   0,                                                       // 65 Unused
   0,                                                       // 66 Unused
   0,                                                       // 67 Unused
   0,                                                       // 68 Unused
   0,                                                       // 69 Unused
   0,                                                       // 70 Unused
   0,                                                       // 71 Unused
   0,                                                       // 72 Unused
   0,                                                       // 73 Unused
   0,                                                       // 74 Unused
   0,                                                       // 75 Unused
   0,                                                       // 76 Unused
   0,                                                       // 77 Unused
   0,                                                       // 78 Unused
   0,                                                       // 79 Unused
   0,                                                       // 80 Unused
   0,                                                       // 81 Unused
   0,                                                       // 82 Unused
   0,                                                       // 83 Unused
   0,                                                       // 84 Unused
   0,                                                       // 85 Unused
   0,                                                       // 86 Unused
   0,                                                       // 87 Unused
   0,                                                       // 88 Unused
   0,                                                       // 89 Unused
   0,                                                       // 90 Unused
   0,                                                       // 91 Unused
   0,                                                       // 92 Unused
   0,                                                       // 93 Unused
   0,                                                       // 94 Unused
   0,                                                       // 95 Unused
   0,                                                       // 96 Unused
   0,                                                       // 97 Unused
   0,                                                       // 98 Unused
   0,                                                       // 99 Unused
   0,                                                       // 100 Unused
   0,                                                       // 101 Unused
   0,                                                       // 102 Unused
   0,                                                       // 103 Unused
   0,                                                       // 104 Unused
   0,                                                       // 105 Unused
   0,                                                       // 106 Unused
   0,                                                       // 107 Unused
   0,                                                       // 108 Unused
   0,                                                       // 109 Unused
   0,                                                       // 110 Unused
   0,                                                       // 111 Unused
   0,                                                       // 112 Unused
   0,                                                       // 113 Unused
   0,                                                       // 114 Unused
   0,                                                       // 115 Unused
   0,                                                       // 116 Unused
   0,                                                       // 117 Unused
   0,                                                       // 118 Unused
   0,                                                       // 119 Unused
   0,                                                       // 120 Unused
   0,                                                       // 121 Unused
   0,                                                       // 122 Unused
   0,                                                       // 123 Unused
   0,                                                       // 124 Unused
   0,                                                       // 125 Unused
   0,                                                       // 126 Unused
   0,                                                       // 127 Unused
   0,                                                       // 128 Unused
   0,                                                       // 129 Unused
   0,                                                       // 130 Unused
   0,                                                       // 131 Unused
   0,                                                       // 132 Unused
   0,                                                       // 133 Unused
   0,                                                       // 134 Unused
   0,                                                       // 135 Unused
   0,                                                       // 136 Unused
   0,                                                       // 137 Unused
   0,                                                       // 138 Unused
   0,                                                       // 139 Unused
   0,                                                       // 140 Unused
   0,                                                       // 141 Unused
   0,                                                       // 142 Unused
   0,                                                       // 143 Unused
   0,                                                       // 144 Unused
   0,                                                       // 145 Unused
   0,                                                       // 146 Unused
   0,                                                       // 147 Unused
   0,                                                       // 148 Unused
   0,                                                       // 149 Unused
   0,                                                       // 150 Unused
   0,                                                       // 151 Unused
   0,                                                       // 152 Unused
   0,                                                       // 153 Unused
   0,                                                       // 154 Unused
   0,                                                       // 155 Unused
   USB_handler,                                             // 156 USB 2538
   RF_Core_Rx_Tx_handler,                                   // 157 RFCore Rx/Tx
   RF_Core_error_handler,                                   // 158 RFCore Error
   AES_handler,                                             // 159 AES
   PKA_handler,                                             // 160 PKA
   sleep_timer_handler,                                     // 161 Sleep Timer
   MAC_timer_handler,                                       // 162 MacTimer

// Customer Configuration Area in Lock Page
typedef struct {
    uint32_t bootloaderCfg;     // Bootloader backdoor
  uint32_t imageValid;        // Image valid bytes
  uint32_t vectorAddr;        // Vector table located at flash start address
  uint8_t  pageLockBits[32];  // Unlock all flash pages and debug access
} lockPageCCA_t;

const lockPageCCA_t cca_lock_page =
    0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
    0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
    0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
    0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF 

extern int main(void);

extern uint32_t _etext;
extern uint32_t _sdata;
extern uint32_t _edata;
extern uint32_t _sbss;
extern uint32_t _ebss;

void reset_handler (void) {
  uint32_t* source;
  uint32_t* destination;

    // Copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM.
    source = &_etext;
    for(destination = &_sdata; destination < &_edata; ) {
        *destination++ = *source++;

    // Zero fill the bss segment.

  for(destination = &_sbss; destination < &_ebss; ) {
      *destination++ = 0;
  // Call the application's entry point.

  // End here if return from main()


    FLASH(rx) : ORIGIN = 0x00200000, LENGTH = 512K - 44
    SRAM_NON_RETENTION(rwx) : ORIGIN =  0x20000000, LENGTH = 16K
    SRAM_RETENTION(rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x20004000, LENGTH = 16K - 512


    /* Section in which code is placed */
    .text : {
        _stext = .;
        _etext = .;
    } > FLASH

    /* Section in which initialized data is placed */
    .data : {
        _sdata = .;
        _edata = .;
    /* Section in which uninitialized data is placed */
    .bss : {
        _sbss = .;
        _ebss = .;

    /* Program stack */
    .stack : {
    } > STACK

    /* Program heap is placed entirely on the non retention SRAM */
    .flashcca : { 
    } > FLASH_CCA   


  • I've managed to make it work somehow!! Thanks a lot to everyone who took a minute to help me out here, it really helped. Honestly, I've made so many changes to my code that I'm not even sure what was it that made it work, but it did! I'll leave here the currently working version of the startup and linker files + the Github repo of the project I'm working on (It's still a work in progress, but I think this was the most important step in it!) if you can check it out and maybe star it and give some feedback, I'd really appreciate it!


    #include <stdint.h>
    #include "eposInterrupts.h"                     //* Interrupt handlers are defined here *//
    #define FLASH_START_ADDR            0x00200000  //* Flash start address *//
    #define FLASH_IMAGE_VALID           0x00000000  //* Identifies that the image in flash is valid *//
    #define BOOTLOADER_BACKDOOR_DISABLE 0xEFFFFFFF  //* Disables the Bootloader Backdoor *//
    #define STACK_TOP                   0x20008000
    void reset_handler(void);
    __attribute__ ((section(".vectors"), used))
    void (* const vectors[])(void) = {
       (void (*)(void))STACK_TOP,                               // 0 Stack pointer
       reset_handler,                                           // 1 Reset handler
       NMI_handler,                                             // 2 The NMI handler
       hard_fault_handler,                                      // 3 The hard fault handler
       mem_manage_fault_handler,                                // 4 The MPU fault handler
       bus_fault_handler,                                       // 5 The bus fault handler
       usage_fault_handler,                                     // 6 The usage fault handler
       0,                                                       // 7 Reserved
       0,                                                       // 8 Reserved
       0,                                                       // 9 Reserved
       0,                                                       // 10 Reserved
       sv_call_handler,                                         // 11 SVCall handler
       debug_monitor_handler,                                   // 12 Debug monitor handler
       0,                                                       // 13 Reserved
       pend_sv_call_handler,                                    // 14 The PendSV handler
       systick_handler,                                         // 15 The SysTick handler
       GPIOA_handler,                                           // 16 GPIO Port A
       GPIOB_handler,                                           // 17 GPIO Port B
       GPIOC_handler,                                           // 18 GPIO Port C
       GPIOD_handler,                                           // 19 GPIO Port D
       0,                                                       // 20 none
       UART0_handler,                                           // 21 UART0 Rx and Tx
       UART1_handler,                                           // 22 UART1 Rx and Tx
       SSI0_handler,                                            // 23 SSI0 Rx and Tx
       I2C_handler,                                             // 24 I2C Master and Slave
       0,                                                       // 25 Reserved
       0,                                                       // 26 Reserved
       0,                                                       // 27 Reserved
       0,                                                       // 28 Reserved
       0,                                                       // 29 Reserved
       ADC_handler,                                             // 30 ADC Sequence 0
       0,                                                       // 31 Reserved
       0,                                                       // 32 Reserved
       0,                                                       // 33 Reserved
       watchdog_handler,                                        // 34 Watchdog timer 
       timer0A_handler,                                         // 35 Timer 0 subtimer A
       timer0B_handler,                                         // 36 Timer 0 subtimer B
       timer1A_handler,                                         // 37 Timer 1 subtimer A
       timer1B_handler,                                         // 38 Timer 1 subtimer B
       timer2A_handler,                                         // 39 Timer 2 subtimer A
       timer2B_handler,                                         // 40 Timer 2 subtimer B
       analog_comparator_handler,                               // 41 Analog Comparator 0
       RF_Core_Rx_Tx_handler,                                   // 42 RFCore Rx/Tx (Alternate)
       RF_Core_error_handler,                                   // 43 RFCore Error (Alternate)
       system_control_handler,                                  // 44 IcePick
       flash_control_handler,                                   // 45 FLASH Control
       AES_handler,                                             // 46 AES (Alternate)
       PKA_handler,                                             // 47 PKA (Alternate)
       sleep_timer_handler,                                     // 48 Sleep Timer (Alternate)
       MAC_timer_handler,                                       // 49 MacTimer (Alternate)
       SSI1_handler,                                            // 50 SSI1 Rx and Tx
       timer3A_handler,                                         // 51 Timer 3 subtimer A
       timer3B_handler,                                         // 52 Timer 3 subtimer B
       0,                                                       // 53 Reserved
       0,                                                       // 54 Reserved
       0,                                                       // 55 Reserved
       0,                                                       // 56 Reserved
       0,                                                       // 57 Reserved
       0,                                                       // 58 Reserved
       0,                                                       // 59 Reserved
       0,                                                       // 60 Reserved
       0,                                                       // 61 Reserved
       uDMA_handler,                                            // 62 uDMA
       uDMA_error_handler,                                      // 63 uDMA Error
       0,                                                       // 64 Unused
       0,                                                       // 65 Unused
       0,                                                       // 66 Unused
       0,                                                       // 67 Unused
       0,                                                       // 68 Unused
       0,                                                       // 69 Unused
       0,                                                       // 70 Unused
       0,                                                       // 71 Unused
       0,                                                       // 72 Unused
       0,                                                       // 73 Unused
       0,                                                       // 74 Unused
       0,                                                       // 75 Unused
       0,                                                       // 76 Unused
       0,                                                       // 77 Unused
       0,                                                       // 78 Unused
       0,                                                       // 79 Unused
       0,                                                       // 80 Unused
       0,                                                       // 81 Unused
       0,                                                       // 82 Unused
       0,                                                       // 83 Unused
       0,                                                       // 84 Unused
       0,                                                       // 85 Unused
       0,                                                       // 86 Unused
       0,                                                       // 87 Unused
       0,                                                       // 88 Unused
       0,                                                       // 89 Unused
       0,                                                       // 90 Unused
       0,                                                       // 91 Unused
       0,                                                       // 92 Unused
       0,                                                       // 93 Unused
       0,                                                       // 94 Unused
       0,                                                       // 95 Unused
       0,                                                       // 96 Unused
       0,                                                       // 97 Unused
       0,                                                       // 98 Unused
       0,                                                       // 99 Unused
       0,                                                       // 100 Unused
       0,                                                       // 101 Unused
       0,                                                       // 102 Unused
       0,                                                       // 103 Unused
       0,                                                       // 104 Unused
       0,                                                       // 105 Unused
       0,                                                       // 106 Unused
       0,                                                       // 107 Unused
       0,                                                       // 108 Unused
       0,                                                       // 109 Unused
       0,                                                       // 110 Unused
       0,                                                       // 111 Unused
       0,                                                       // 112 Unused
       0,                                                       // 113 Unused
       0,                                                       // 114 Unused
       0,                                                       // 115 Unused
       0,                                                       // 116 Unused
       0,                                                       // 117 Unused
       0,                                                       // 118 Unused
       0,                                                       // 119 Unused
       0,                                                       // 120 Unused
       0,                                                       // 121 Unused
       0,                                                       // 122 Unused
       0,                                                       // 123 Unused
       0,                                                       // 124 Unused
       0,                                                       // 125 Unused
       0,                                                       // 126 Unused
       0,                                                       // 127 Unused
       0,                                                       // 128 Unused
       0,                                                       // 129 Unused
       0,                                                       // 130 Unused
       0,                                                       // 131 Unused
       0,                                                       // 132 Unused
       0,                                                       // 133 Unused
       0,                                                       // 134 Unused
       0,                                                       // 135 Unused
       0,                                                       // 136 Unused
       0,                                                       // 137 Unused
       0,                                                       // 138 Unused
       0,                                                       // 139 Unused
       0,                                                       // 140 Unused
       0,                                                       // 141 Unused
       0,                                                       // 142 Unused
       0,                                                       // 143 Unused
       0,                                                       // 144 Unused
       0,                                                       // 145 Unused
       0,                                                       // 146 Unused
       0,                                                       // 147 Unused
       0,                                                       // 148 Unused
       0,                                                       // 149 Unused
       0,                                                       // 150 Unused
       0,                                                       // 151 Unused
       0,                                                       // 152 Unused
       0,                                                       // 153 Unused
       0,                                                       // 154 Unused
       0,                                                       // 155 Unused
       USB_handler,                                             // 156 USB 2538
       RF_Core_Rx_Tx_handler,                                   // 157 RFCore Rx/Tx
       RF_Core_error_handler,                                   // 158 RFCore Error
       AES_handler,                                             // 159 AES
       PKA_handler,                                             // 160 PKA
       sleep_timer_handler,                                     // 161 Sleep Timer
       MAC_timer_handler,                                       // 162 MacTimer
    // Customer Configuration Area in Lock Page
    typedef struct {
      uint32_t bootloaderCfg;     // Bootloader backdoor
      uint32_t imageValid;        // Image valid bytes
      uint32_t vectorAddr;        // Vector table located at flash start address
      uint8_t  pageLockBits[32];  // Unlock all flash pages and debug access
    } lockPageCCA_t;
    __attribute__((section(".flashcca"), used))
    const lockPageCCA_t cca_lock_page =
        0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 
        0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 
        0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 
        0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
    extern int main(void);
    extern uint32_t _etext;
    extern uint32_t _sdata;
    extern uint32_t _edata;
    extern uint32_t _sbss;
    extern uint32_t _ebss;
    void reset_handler (void) {
      uint32_t* source;
      uint32_t* destination;
        // Copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM.
        source = &_etext;
        for(destination = &_sdata; destination < &_edata; ) {
            *destination++ = *source++;
        // Zero fill the bss segment.
      for(destination = &_sbss; destination < &_ebss; ) {
          *destination++ = 0;
      // Call the application's entry point.
      // End here if return from main()


    MEMORY {
        FLASH(rx) : ORIGIN = 0x00200000, LENGTH = 0x0007FFD4
        FLASH_CCA(rx) : ORIGIN = 0x0027FFD4, LENGTH = 0x0000002C
        SRAM_NON_RETENTION(rwx) : ORIGIN =  0x20000000, LENGTH = 0x00004000
        SRAM_RETENTION(rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x20004000, LENGTH = 0x00004000
        STACK(rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x20007E00, LENGTH = 0x00000200
        /* Section in which code is placed */
        .text : {
            _stext = .;
            _etext = .;
        } > FLASH
        /* Section in which initialized data is placed */
        .data : {
            _sdata = .;
            _edata = .;
        /* Section in which uninitialized data is placed */
        .bss : {
            _sbss = .;
            _ebss = .;
        } > SRAM_RETENTION
        /* Program heap is placed entirely on the non retention SRAM */
        .flashcca : { 
        } > FLASH_CCA   