It's all in python, I understand it's not great or very efficient but I'm still learning. Any help on the subject title and on any efficiency gains would be much appreciated!
# Problem 1 - find all the multiples of 5 and 3 between 0 and a number (including the number).
import math
print("This programme finds all the multiples of 5 and 3 between 0 and a number (including the number) and also finds "
"the sum.")
number = int(input("Input a natural number: "))
amount_of_threes = math.floor(number / 3) + 1
# The +1 is due to the 'stop' value not being included in a for loop (for i in range(start, stop))
multiples = []
for i in range(1, amount_of_threes):
multiples.append(i * 3)
amount_of_fives = math.floor(number/5) + 1
for i in range(1, amount_of_fives):
# must get rid of duplicates such as 15 which is a common multiple
unique_multiples = []
for item in multiples:
if item not in unique_multiples:
print(f"These are all the multiples of 5 and 3 below {number}: {unique_multiples}")
total = 0
for item in unique_multiples:
total += item
print(f"{total} is the total of the multiples.")
I tried 1000 which was assigned to the variable 'number', got 232169, should have got 233169. a difference of a 1000.
Sayed, Welcome to stack overflow.
I want to answer to your question considering that you said "I'm still learning" python. I hope my answer is useful to you.
In your algorithm, you basically take these steps:
Some comments:
When you have a list of numbers, you don't need to sort it to get the total.
You can use the function sum
to get the total of a list of numbers. It also iterates on the list, but it is a more elegant code.
In any given problem, try to iterate the least amount of times: only once if possible.
This algorithm has a complexity of N^2
Consider this code (iterating only once, checking the condition at the same time):
N = 1000
total = 0
for n in range(1, N):
if n%3==0 or n%5==0:
total += n
Or taking advantage of python's rich expressiveness, in a one liner:
print(sum(n for n in range(1, N) if not (n%3 and n%5)))
This code has a complexity of N, that still could be prohibitive in some instances (try to solve it for N = 1e12).
Another solution, not using brute force could be this:
The following code solves it with constant complexity:
N = 1000
sumto = lambda n: n*(n+1) // 2 # 1+2+3+4+...+n
mults = lambda m, n: (n-1) // m # number of multiples of m below n
print(3*sumto(mults(3,N)) + 5*sumto(mults(5,N)) - 15*sumto(mults(15,N)))