I am a little confused with this dual project setup in .net8, specifically around DI and sharing state between different render modes.
Now, take this example service
public class GuidService
public Guid Guid { get; } = Guid.NewGuid();
Adding that as a singleton in the client project and scoped in the server project, I get different values for it depending on whether the component is rendered as static SSR, interactive server, or interactive WASM.
Also in addition, when I navigate away (within the same app, not leaving or refreshing) from this page and come back, the GUID shown for interactive WASM and interactive Server remain the same as they were previously, which I expect. What I didn't expect however is that the static SSR component will get a new Guid each time I navigate to a different page and come back.
You need to think three different applications with some twists.
You can pass pre-render state from SSSR to the SPA. See - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/blazor/components/prerender?view=aspnetcore-8.0#persist-prerendered-state.
Otherwise, as Brian Parker suggests you need to think stateless or persist state outside the application context.
There's my commentary on the topic here: https://github.com/ShaunCurtis/Blazor.ExploreRendering/blob/master/Documents/Going-For-Broke.md