The following code works:
find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Gui Widgets)
But this doesn't work:
find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Gui Widgets Quick)
It results in an error:
-- Could NOT find Qt6Quick (missing: Qt6Quick_DIR)
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:10 (find_package):
Found package configuration file:
but it set Qt6_FOUND to FALSE so package "Qt6" is considered to be NOT
FOUND. Reason given by package:
Failed to find Qt component "Quick".
Expected Config file at
"/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/Qt6Quick/Qt6QuickConfig.cmake" does NOT
The system has the packages qt6-base-dev
, qt6-base-dev-tools
, and qt6-qmltooling-plugins
Maybe there are some additional packages required?
The installation of qt6-declarative-dev
solved the issue.
Additionally, for anyone planning to use Qt Quick
, it would be helpful to install the packages qml6-module-qtqml
, qml6-module-qtquick
, qml6-module-qtquick-controls
, qml6-module-qtquick-dialogs
, qml6-module-qtquick-window
, qml6-module-qtquick-layouts
, qml6-module-qtcore