In my Verilog code, I have such statements
$display(" %s r%h, r%h",
instrH == ALU8_ADD ? "add" :
instrH == ALU8_ADC ? "adc" :
instrH == ALU8_SUB ? "sub" :
instrH == ALU8_SBC ? "sbc" :
instrH == ALU8_OR ? "or" :
instrH == ALU8_AND ? "and" :
instrH == ALU8_TCM ? "tcm" :
instrH == ALU8_TM ? "tm" :
instrH == ALU8_CP ? "cp" :
instrH == ALU8_XOR ? "xor" : "?",
secondH, secondL);
which are helpful for the test bench debug logging. I want to extract this part
instrH == ALU8_ADD ? "add" :
instrH == ALU8_ADC ? "adc" :
instrH == ALU8_SUB ? "sub" :
instrH == ALU8_SBC ? "sbc" :
instrH == ALU8_OR ? "or" :
instrH == ALU8_AND ? "and" :
instrH == ALU8_TCM ? "tcm" :
instrH == ALU8_TM ? "tm" :
instrH == ALU8_CP ? "cp" :
instrH == ALU8_XOR ? "xor" : "?",
into some kind of "function", so this is just defined at one location and use it later similar to:
$display(" %s r%h, r%h",
secondH, secondL);
How can I define a function returning a string?
There are no string
types in Verilog. You can declare a bit vector with multiple of 8-bit bytes to hold the largest possible string literal and return that. Null bytes 8'h00 get printed as spaces.
function [1:3*8] alu8OpName( //maximum of 3 characters
input [3:0] instrH);
alu8OpName = instrH == ALU8_ADD ? "add" :
instrH == ALU8_ADC ? "adc" :
instrH == ALU8_SUB ? "sub" :
instrH == ALU8_SBC ? "sbc" :
instrH == ALU8_OR ? "or" :
instrH == ALU8_AND ? "and" :
instrH == ALU8_TCM ? "tcm" :
instrH == ALU8_TM ? "tm" :
instrH == ALU8_CP ? "cp" :
instrH == ALU8_XOR ? "xor" : "?";
But this kind of nested conditional operator is better written as a case statement.
function [1:3*8] alu8OpName( //maximum of 3 characters
input [3:0] instrH);
case (instrH)
ALU8_ADD: alu8OpName = "add";
ALU8_ADC: alu8OpName = "adc";
ALU8_SUB: alu8OpName = "sub";
default: alu8OpName = "???";
And if you are using SystemVerilog, this would be much easier to write with a string function
function string alu8OpName(
input [3:0] instrH);
case (instrH)
ALU8_ADD: return "add";
ALU8_ADC: return "adc";
ALU8_SUB: return "sub";
default: return "?";