Search code examples

Filter Out records inside Nested array Mongo DB Aggregation

I am Trying to filter our records from an Inner Array in the Mongo Collection . Example is given below :

  "brand": [{

I want to filter out records from the inner model array, like if the input "civic" , My output should be as below :

  "brand": [{

I tried multiple unwind to unwind the inner array, but not able to group back to required format as its inner array.


  • Perhaps something like this:

     $match: {
       "brand.model.mName": "civic"
    "$addFields": {
      "brand": {
        "$filter": {
          "input": {
            "$map": {
              "input": "$brand",
              "as": "b",
              "in": {
                "$mergeObjects": [
                    "model": {
                      "$filter": {
                        "input": "$$b.model",
                        "as": "m",
                        "cond": {
                          "$eq": [
          "as": "fb",
          "cond": {
            "$ne": [


    1. Match only documents having brand.model.mName: civic
    2. filter model.mName: civic walking over all brand array removing the filtered empty models:[].
