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How to implement AsyncItemProcessor and AsyncItemWriter with Spring Batch 5?

I'm currently working on a Spring Batch implementation and encountered an issue while following a tutorial on YouTube titled "High Performance Batch Processing." The tutorial suggests using "AsyncItemProcessor and AsyncItemWriter" for scaling, but I've noticed that the classes AsyncItemProcessor and AsyncItemWriter no longer exist in the latest version of Spring Batch.

I've searched extensively for a solution, checking both the video and the migration guide, but haven't found any guidance on implementing asynchronous item processing and writing.

Could someone provide assistance on how to achieve Async Item processing and writing in Spring Batch?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Configuring the reader, processor and writer:

public class ItemConfig {

    private EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory;

    public JpaPagingItemReader<Employee> itemReader() {
        JpaPagingItemReaderBuilder<Employee> reader = new JpaPagingItemReaderBuilder<>();
        reader.queryString("SELECT e FROM employees e");"itemReader");

    public ItemProcessor<Employee, Employee> processor() {
        return new ItemProcessorImpl();

    public ItemWriter<Employee> itemWriter() {
        final JpaItemWriter<Employee> writer = new JpaItemWriter<>();
        return writer;

Configuring the job and step:

public class BatchConfig {

    public Job job(JobRepository jobRepository, Step step) {
        return new JobBuilder("job", jobRepository)

    public Step step(JobRepository jobRepository,
                     PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager,
                     JpaPagingItemReader<Employee> itemReader,
                     ItemProcessor<Employee, Employee> processor,
                     ItemWriter<Employee> itemWriter) {
        return new StepBuilder("step", jobRepository)
                .<Employee, Employee>chunk(1000, transactionManager)


  • The classes AsyncItemProcessor and AsyncItemWriter are contained in the jar spring-batch-integration. You need to add it to your project. If you use Spring Boot and Maven, then you can use the following snippet:


    By default, a Spring Boot app with Spring Batch uses only the jars for spring-batch-core, spring-batch-infrastructure, and for tests spring-batch-test.