First time to use fail() in Sveltekit so I'm unable to figure out how to fix it.
I have a newsletter.svelte in $lib with a simple form to collect email addresses when user decide to subscribe to a newsletter :
$lib/components/newsletter.svelte :
$: emailvalue = null
async function emailsubscribe(){
console.log("emailsubscribe fn fired...emailvalue log:", emailvalue)
let posttheapi = await fetch('api/newsletter',{
method : "POST",
credentials : 'include',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-type' : 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
useremail : emailvalue
let postresults = await posttheapi.json()
console.log("results log +page.svelte index page :", postresults )
<form on:submit|preventDefault={emailsubscribe}>
<label for="name">Email </label>
<input type="email" name="email" placeholder="Type here" bind:value={emailvalue} />
<button> Subscribe </button>
inside routes/api/newsletter/+server.js here is what I do to capture the subscribed email address:
import { RetryAfterRateLimiter } from 'sveltekit-rate-limiter/server';
const limiter = new RetryAfterRateLimiter({
//limiter options...
export async function POST(requestEvent){
await limiter.cookieLimiter?.preflight(requestEvent);
let readbody = await requestEvent.request.json()
// Every call to isLimited counts as a hit towards the ratelimit for the event.
const status = await limiter.check(requestEvent);
if ( {
'Retry-After': status.retryAfter.toString()
return fail(429);
let subscribedemail = readbody.useremail
let success = true
return json({success, subscribedemail})
Is fail() only works in +page.server.js OR can I use it in +server.js too? If yes, I get the error "Error: Invalid response from route /api/newsletter: handler should return a Response object"
How can I fix this or how do I get it to work?
is not for custom endpoints (i.e. +server.js
) but for form actions.
This also looks like it just should be a form action (see the docs on how they work), those are in the +page.server.js
file. On the client you would usually then use the enhance
action on the form.
For custom endpoints you would have to return a full Response