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Find minimum quantity inside nested array

My collection contains a document legends with a nested array value containing nested documents. I need to find the minimum quantity (single value) for each document inside the BASIC array inside value.

Here is a Mongo Playground that contains both the collection and my attempt. As you can see from the result the $min operator doesn't return a single value but all the quantity from the documents of the BASIC array but, for instance, I need the minimum single value that for the meteoEventType equals to RAIN should be 0.01.


  • As $$thresholds.BASIC.quantity returns a nested array, you need to flatten the array via $reduce operator and combine arrays into one with $concatArrays.

      $addFields: {
        rainMinThreshold: {
          $let: {
            vars: {
              thresholds: {
                $filter: {
                  input: "$value",
                  as: "v",
                  cond: {
                    $eq: [
            in: {
              $min: {
                $reduce: {
                  input: "$$thresholds",
                  initialValue: [],
                  in: {
                    $concatArrays: [

    Demo @ Mongo Playground