Here's a test command in my bot.
@tree.command(name="button", description="testing")
async def button(interaction):
view = discord.ui.View() # make a view
style = discord.ButtonStyle.primary # makes the button blue
item = discord.ui.Button(style=style, label="Click to continue!", custom_id="continue_button") # make the button
view.add_item(item=item) # add button to view
await interaction.response.send_message("Waiting until you press the button!", view=view) # send message with button
def check(i):
return == and i.custom_id == "continue_button"
interaction, button = await client.wait_for("button_click", check=check, timeout=10)
# when button is pressed
await"You pressed the button!")
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
# button wasn't pressed before timeout
await"You didn't press the button within the specified time.")
However, the bot never gets the button click event! Even if the check is nothing, no custom ID, etc, the bot times out and click the button results in interaction failed. Also, I'd like to keep the button and listening within the command so that I can execute more code based on the button the user presses.
I expected the bot to send a message that I had clicked the button, but I always get a timeout even after pressing the button. I have tried removing the check, timeout, etc, but I cannot get the event to occur.
The issue was caused because there is not a button_click event. Instead, look for interactions that were caused by buttons:
interaction = await client.wait_for('interaction',
check=lambda i:
i.type == discord.InteractionType.component and
i.user == interaction.user and ==, timeout=30)