So I've come accross these on PHP8 code from my office (simplified) :
[, $x] = $y;
I also saw the other way
[$x, ] = $y;
What would these do? If I do that in a sandbox and assign random values to $y beforehand, I don't get anything for $x. I know that it is not badcode, as PHPStorm valids it.
I've tried searching for it, but every search engines including Stackoverflow will ignore commas or [], so I can't get my answer.
$array = [10, 20, 30];
[$x, ] = $array;
echo $x; // Output: 10
[, $x] = $array;
echo $x; // Output: 20
[2 => $x] = $array;
echo $x; // Output: 30
It's called array destructuring.