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How to know if CREATE query failed in Memgraph through Neo4j Java driver?


I'm attempting to use Memgraph in my application by connecting to it using the Neo4j Java driver. I have a constraint that nodes of a certain label must have a certain property. When I try to create a node without that property, the create fails (as verified by a separate read query); however, the query and transaction in which I attempt to create the node give no indication of failure. Running the same create query in Memgraph Lab gives a clear error message. Is there a way for me to get a similar message using the driver, so that I can know if the create failed without needing to do a separate read?


Here is a straightforward Kotlin main function that demonstrates the problem. I know Kotlin isn't the most common of languages, but hopefully it's legible enough.

import org.neo4j.driver.AuthTokens
import org.neo4j.driver.GraphDatabase
import org.neo4j.driver.Query
import org.neo4j.driver.Record
import org.neo4j.driver.Session
import org.neo4j.driver.summary.ResultSummary

fun main() {
    // setup: delete all nodes (so that I can run this repeatedly) and create a constraint on n:Foo
    val driver = GraphDatabase.driver("bolt://localhost:7687", AuthTokens.basic("myUsername", "myPassword")) // replace with the correct auth for your Memgraph database.
    driver.session().run("MATCH (n) \n DETACH DELETE n;")
    driver.session().run("CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (n:Foo) ASSERT EXISTS (;").consume()

    // attempt to create n:Foo with bar so that I know what a success looks like
    lateinit var successfulRecord: Record
    lateinit var successfulSummary: ResultSummary
    driver.session().use { session: Session ->
        session.beginTransaction().run {
            val query = Query("CREATE (node:Foo {bar: 3}) \n RETURN node")
            val result = run(query)
            successfulRecord = result.single()
            successfulSummary = result.consume()

    // attempt to create n:Foo without bar. I want this to throw an error or give me a result indicating failure
    lateinit var failureRecord: Record
    lateinit var failureSummary: ResultSummary
    driver.session().use { session: Session ->
        session.beginTransaction().run {
            val query = Query("CREATE (node:Foo) \n RETURN node")
            val result = run(query)
            failureRecord = result.single()
            failureSummary = result.consume()
            commit() //commit() doesn't return anything
        // I know of no way to get info from the session on whether the CREATE succeeded or not

    // This is where I would like to see a piece of information that is meaningfully different between the two

    // Read from the db to make sure that the successful one was successful and the bad one failed.
    driver.session().use { session: Session ->
        session.beginTransaction().run {
            val query = Query("MATCH (node:Foo) \n RETURN node")
            val result = run(query)
            val nodeList = result.list()
            // These assertions correctly pass; the node without bar was not created and the node with bar was created
            assert(nodeList.size == 1)
            assert(nodeList[0].get(0).asMap()["bar"] == 3L)

It prints the following:

Record<{node: node<59>}>
Record<{node: node<60>}>

InternalResultSummary{query=Query{text='CREATE (node:Foo {bar: 3}) 
 RETURN node', parameters={}}, serverInfo=InternalServerInfo{address='localhost:7687', version='Neo4j/4.3.0'}, databaseInfo=InternalDatabaseInfo{name='null'}, queryType=WRITE_ONLY, counters=InternalSummaryCounters{nodesCreated=1, nodesDeleted=0, relationshipsCreated=0, relationshipsDeleted=0, propertiesSet=0, labelsAdded=1, labelsRemoved=0, indexesAdded=0, indexesRemoved=0, constraintsAdded=0, constraintsRemoved=0, systemUpdates=0}, plan=null, profile=null, notifications=[], resultAvailableAfter=-1, resultConsumedAfter=-1}
InternalResultSummary{query=Query{text='CREATE (node:Foo) 
 RETURN node', parameters={}}, serverInfo=InternalServerInfo{address='localhost:7687', version='Neo4j/4.3.0'}, databaseInfo=InternalDatabaseInfo{name='null'}, queryType=WRITE_ONLY, counters=InternalSummaryCounters{nodesCreated=1, nodesDeleted=0, relationshipsCreated=0, relationshipsDeleted=0, propertiesSet=0, labelsAdded=1, labelsRemoved=0, indexesAdded=0, indexesRemoved=0, constraintsAdded=0, constraintsRemoved=0, systemUpdates=0}, plan=null, profile=null, notifications=[], resultAvailableAfter=-1, resultConsumedAfter=-1}

Process finished with exit code 0

which does not show any difference between the successful creation and the failed creation.

I have tried the following

  • Using the driver from org.memgraph:bolt-java-driver:0.4.7 instead of org.neo4j.driver:neo4j-java-driver:5.4.0. There was no difference in the results.
  • Using writeTransaction() and executeWrite() instead of beginTransaction(). The syntax was different, but I still saw no way to get an error in the block of code that's trying to create the bad node.
  • Calling getLastBookmarks() within a session before and after the transaction to compare results. It gives an empty list both before and after (both for successful and unsuccessful create).
  • Inspecting variables line by line in my debugger. I could see no differences in the records or the summaries, and it looked like the info that was printed represents the variables quite well.
  • Verifying on Memgraph Lab that the successful creation is, indeed, successful. It is. After running the code, the node:Foo with bar: 3 does show up in Memgraph Lab. Therefore, I must be committing the transactions correctly.
  • Creating the node in an auto-commit transaction (driver.session().run("CREATE (node:Foo) RETURN node"). This did throw an error (org.neo4j.driver.exceptions.ClientException: Unable to commit due to existence constraint violation on :Foo(bar)). It's nice that it successfully gave clear feedback that way; However, running all my code as auto-commit isn't feasible for me because of the role that Memgraph will play in my application. Is there a way to get similar behavior with a managed or unmanaged transaction that does not have auto-commit?


  • SDK 17
  • Kotlin 1.7.20
  • Gradle 7.2
  • Memgraph 2.8.0


  • This was indeed a bug with Memgraph, not with my code. The Memgraph team has worked on it, and I have confirmed that this bug is fixed in version 2.13.0 of Memgraph.