I'm trying to use text-align: center
(Tailwind class, text-center
) but would like to apply a vendor prefix to the value so it would be, text-align: -webkit-center
. How can I apply it inline?
I've tried text-[-webkit-center]
but it is interpreted as color: -webkit-center
, which is incorrect.
I understand that Tailwind has an Autoprefixer option, but that applies the prefix to the property (ie. -webkit-box-align: center
) and not the value.
Arbitrary value syntax only works for class utilities registered with matchUtilities()
internally, where their values can be "dynamic". For the class utilities for text-align
, they are registered in Tailwind core via addUtilities()
, since there are only a few valid values text-align
can have:
textAlign: ({ addUtilities }) => {
'.text-left': { 'text-align': 'left' },
'.text-center': { 'text-align': 'center' },
'.text-right': { 'text-align': 'right' },
'.text-justify': { 'text-align': 'justify' },
'.text-start': { 'text-align': 'start' },
'.text-end': { 'text-align': 'end' },
Thus they are more "static". To apply text-align: -webkit-center
, you could:
<div class="[text-align:-webkit-center]">
const plugin = require('tailwindcss/plugin')
module.exports = {
plugins: [
plugin(function({ addUtilities }) {
'.text-webkit-center': {
'text-align': '-webkit-center',
<div class="text-webkit-center">
.text-webkit-center {
text-align: -webkit-center;
<div class="text-webkit-center">