I've got an NSTableView. While editing, if I hit tab it automatically jumps me to the next column. This is fantastic, but when I'm editing the field in the last column and I hit tab, I'd like focus to jump to the first column of the NEXT row.
Any suggestions?
Thanks to Michael for the starting code, it was very close to what ended up working! Here is the final code that I used, hope it will be helpful to someone else:
- (void) textDidEndEditing: (NSNotification *) notification {
NSInteger editedColumn = [self editedColumn];
NSInteger editedRow = [self editedRow];
NSInteger lastColumn = [[self tableColumns] count] - 1;
NSDictionary *userInfo = [notification userInfo];
int textMovement = [[userInfo valueForKey:@"NSTextMovement"] intValue];
[super textDidEndEditing: notification];
if ( (editedColumn == lastColumn)
&& (textMovement == NSTabTextMovement)
&& editedRow < ([self numberOfRows] - 1)
// the tab key was hit while in the last column,
// so go to the left most cell in the next row
[self selectRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:(editedRow+1)] byExtendingSelection:NO];
[self editColumn: 0 row: (editedRow + 1) withEvent: nil select: YES];
Subclass UITableView and add code to catch the textDidEndEditing call.
You can then decide what to do based on something like this:
- (void) textDidEndEditing: (NSNotification *) notification
NSDictionary *userInfo = [notification userInfo];
int textMovement = [[userInfo valueForKey:@"NSTextMovement"] intValue];
if ([self selectedColumn] == ([[self tableColumns] count] - 1))
(textMovement == NSTabTextMovement)
// the tab key was hit while in the last column,
// so go to the left most cell in the next row
[yourTableView editColumn: 0 row: ([self selectedRow] + 1) withEvent: nil select: YES];
[super textDidEndEditing: notification];
[[self window] makeFirstResponder:self];
} // textDidEndEditing
This code isn't tested... no warranties... etc. And you might need to move that [super textDidEndEditing:] call for the tab-in-the-right-most-cell case. But hopefully this will help you to the finish line. Let me know!