I want to plot the polygons of this shapefile without the colors (just white with black borders); I also do not want the legend. I have tried scale_fill_manual and a few other things but to no avail. I would also like to include the labels (i.e. 901, 902 ....943) within each polygon. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
statsf2134 %>%
geom_sf(aes(fill=Statistica, border = "black"))
As already suggested by @jdobres in the comments set your desired fill color as a parameter outside of aes()
instead of mapping a variable on the fill
aesthetic inside aes()
. Also note that, there is no border
aesthetic or parameter. If you want to switch the border color use the color=
parameter. Finally, you could add labels at the center of each polygon using geom_sf_text
Using some fake example data based on the default example from ?geom_sf
# Example data
statsf2134 <- sf::st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf"), quiet = TRUE)
statsf2134$Statistica <- substr(statsf2134$FIPS, 3, 5)
ggplot(statsf2134) +
geom_sf(fill = "white") +
aes(label = Statistica),
size = 6 / .pt
#> Warning in st_point_on_surface.sfc(sf::st_zm(x)): st_point_on_surface may not
#> give correct results for longitude/latitude data