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Can I create a new column using a variable amount of characters from the right of an existing column in pyspark?

I have a pyspark dataframe that essentially looks like the following table:

Product Name
abcd - 12 abcd
xyz - 123543 xyz

I am hoping to create a new column (UPC) that only contains the numbers to the right of the hyphen in the Product column.

I know in Excel I can use the Right function with len and find but from what I can tell, those do not have equivalents in Python.

I have tried creating 2 new columns, LastHyphen (because the product column could have more than 1 hyphen) and ProductLength. I was then hoping to plug those into the substring function but I keep getting a "Column is not iterable" error.

df4 = df3.withColumn("LastHyphen",length(col("PRODUCT"))-locate('-',reverse(col("PRODUCT"))))
df4 = df4.withColumn("ProductLength",length(col("PRODUCT")))
df4 = df4.withColumn("UPC", substring("PRODUCT", df4.LastHyphen, df4.ProductLength - df4.LastHyphen))
TypeError: Column is not iterable

I am hoping to get an output like:

Product UPC
abcd - 12 12
xyz - 123543 123543


  • There's a similar question here and the answer there involves a regexp split.

    In your specific circumstance it might be easiest to do a regular expression to extract the UPC from the string.

    from pyspark.sql import Row
    from pyspark.sql.functions import col, regexp_extract
    df = spark.createDataFrame(
            Row(product="abcd - 12", name="abcd"),
            Row(product="xyz - 123543", name="xyz"),
            Row(product="xyz - abc - 123456", name="xyz - abc"),
    df.withColumn("UPC", regexp_extract(col("product"), ".* - ([0-9]{1,})", 1)).show()
    |           product|     name|   UPC|
    |         abcd - 12|     abcd|    12|
    |      xyz - 123543|      xyz|123543|
    |xyz - abc - 123456|xyz - abc|123456|