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echarts4R tooltip not updating/accurate

I have created the chart below with a forecast section using echarts4R, but the tooltip doesn't seem to be accurate - the label for the "Upper band" seems to be stuck on one value, and doesnt change like when I hover over other data points. Any idea why that is?

enter image description here

enter image description here

Below is a reproducible example:

dat <- data.frame(
time = as.Date(c("2015-09-01","2015-10-01","2015-11-01","2015-12-01","2016-01-01","2016-02-01",
Profit = c(58307.99, 54626.44,58675.40,44361.57,NA,NA,NA,NA),
Forecast = c(NA,NA,NA, 44361.57, 36500.09, 30506.53, 35241.72, 31922.28),
Lower_CI = c(NA,NA,NA, 22159.93, 22159.93, 16166.36, 20901.56, 17582.11),
Upper_CI = c(NA,NA,NA, 50840.26, 50840.26, 44846.69, 49581.89, 46262.44)

dat |>
  e_charts(x = time) |>
  e_line(serie = Profit) |>
  e_line(serie = Forecast) |>
    min = Lower_CI,
    max = Upper_CI,
    stack = "confidence-band",
    name = c("Lower bound", "Upper bound")) |>
  e_tooltip(formatter = e_tooltip_pointer_formatter("currency")) |>
  e_legend(show=FALSE) |>
  e_x_axis(time, axisPointer = list(show = TRUE))


  • The issue is that the value shown for the upper bound is the difference between the upper and the lower bound and according to your data this difference amounts to a constant value of 28680.

    According to this post fixing the tooltip requires a custom JS formatter. An advantage of the custom formatter is that it allows for some further customization of the tooltip, e.g. in the code below I dropped all missing values from the tooltip:

    dat |>
      e_charts(x = time) |>
      e_line(serie = Profit) |>
      e_line(serie = Forecast) |>
        min = Lower_CI,
        max = Upper_CI,
        stack = "confidence-band",
        name = c("Lower bound", "Upper bound")
      ) |>
        formatter = htmlwidgets::JS("
            let USDollar = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
                style: 'currency',
                currency: 'USD',
                maximumFractionDigits: 0
            let tooltip = params[0].value[0];
            let value = 0;
            for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
              if (i === 3) {
                value = Number(params[2].value[1]) + Number(params[3].value[1]);
              } else {
                value = Number(params[i].value[1])
              if (params[i].value[1] !== null) {
                tooltip += '<br>' + params[i].marker;
                tooltip += params[i].seriesName + ': ';
                tooltip += USDollar.format(value);
      ) |>
      e_legend(show = FALSE) |>
      e_x_axis(time, axisPointer = list(show = TRUE))

    enter image description here