I have text file ('textFile.csv) with CSV format using \t delimiter.
"regalo" [('regalos',1000),('regalos originales',602),('regalos para hombres',601),('regalos para mujer',600)]
"125" [('125 aniversario athletic',800),('125cc',601),('125/2',600),('125 moto',561),('125 entre 2',560),('125 entre 3',559),('125/5',558),('125 segunda mano',557)]
"camper" [('camper segunda mano',601),('camperas',600)]
I would like to be able to transform the second field into a 'map' or array type element that I can use with clickhouse-local to, for example, obtain the term related to each value of field 1
If I try using
clickhouse-local --query="SELECT c1,arrayJoin(c2) FROM file('textFile.csv','TSV')"
Shows me
Exception: ARRAY JOIN requires array argument: While processing c1,arrayJoin(c2) AS cc
clickhouse-local --query="SELECT c1,arrayJoin(groupArray(c2)) as cc,cc.1 FROM file('textFile.csv','TSV') group by c1"
Shows me
Exception: First argument for function tupleElement must be tuple or array of tuple. Actual String
I'm struggling to break out of the loop. I've also tried using JSONExtract, but I can't transform the second text field into an array or map
My desired result would be
RelatedText | searches | originText |
| --------------------------| --------- | --------------|
|"regalos" | 1000 | "regalo" |
|"regalos originales" | 602 | "regalo" |
|"regalos| para hombres" | 60 | "regalo" |
|"regalos para mujer" | 600 | "regalo" |
|"125 aniversario athletic" | 800 | "125" |
|"125 moto" | 561 | "125" |
|"125cc" | 601 | "125" |
|"125/2" | 60 | "125" |
|"camper segunda mano" | 601 | "camper" |
|"camperas" | 600 | "camper" |
|"camper donostia" | 562 | "camper" |
This worked for me (using your data above):
FROM file('lino.tsv')
Query id: e635b096-c183-45a2-83c3-44dbfe4bdb8d
┌─c1───────┬─tupleElement(arrayJoin(c2), 1)─┬─tupleElement(arrayJoin(c2), 2)─┐
│ "regalo" │ regalos │ 1000 │
│ "regalo" │ regalos originales │ 602 │
│ "regalo" │ regalos para hombres │ 601 │
│ "regalo" │ regalos para mujer │ 600 │
│ "125" │ 125 aniversario athletic │ 800 │
│ "125" │ 125cc │ 601 │
│ "125" │ 125/2 │ 600 │
│ "125" │ 125 moto │ 561 │
│ "125" │ 125 entre 2 │ 560 │
│ "125" │ 125 entre 3 │ 559 │
│ "125" │ 125/5 │ 558 │
│ "125" │ 125 segunda mano │ 557 │
│ "camper" │ camper segunda mano │ 601 │
│ "camper" │ camperas │ 600 │
14 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.006 sec.