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How do I create dual dropdown lists in Blazor C#?

I have this code in Block 1 that populates phone numbers from a list. Block 2 is for the "Add Phone Number" button, and Block 3 is for the "Continue" button.

code screenshot

It's in VB using ASP.NET MVC, but it has to be rewritten in C# using Blazor. The LabelFor control is not available to me, and I do not understand what the Function code Function(m) m.PhoneNumbers, New With {.class = "pi-item-label"} is doing.

PhoneNumbers is List, and PhoneNumberModel is here:

Public Class PhoneNumberModel

    Public Property PhoneNumberID As Long

    Public Property PhoneTypeID As Integer

    Public PhoneTypeName As String

    Public Property PhoneTypeList As List(Of SelectListItem)

    <StringLength(25, ErrorMessage:=StringLengthMaxError),
    Public Property DialNumber As String

End Class

Whenever it renders, it creates two (2) dropdown lists: one for the phone type and one for the dial number.

page screenshot

How would I duplicate this in a C# Blazor page?


I'm still stuck on this. Nothing I try seems to work.

Here is the VB code in MVC with some highlights as landmarks for the C# code:


Here is the C# code in Blazor with the same highlighted areas:


Here is how my output looks with the C# code:


Are there any obvious things that I am doing wrong?


Using the accepted solution below, I was able to get it to work. It took me some time to make it look nice, and below are my results:

final code

This produced the current output:

final screenshot

I'm still working to figure out why the [Add] and [Continue] buttons are not on the same line, but that should not take too much longer.


  • Define the Model in C#

    public class PhoneNumberModel
        public long PhoneNumberID { get; set; }
        public int PhoneTypeID { get; set; }
        public string PhoneTypeName { get; set; }
        public List<SelectListItem> PhoneTypeList { get; set; } 
        [StringLength(25, ErrorMessage = "StringLengthMaxError")]
        [Display(Name = "Number")]
        [Required(ErrorMessage = "RequiredError")]
        public string DialNumber { get; set; }

    In Blazor component you'll need to handle the dropdowns. Blazor does not use LabelFor or similar helpers as in MVC, but you can easily create labels and inputs manually.

     @code {
            private List<PhoneNumberModel> phoneNumbers = new List<PhoneNumberModel>();
            private List<SelectListItem> phoneTypeOptions = new List<SelectListItem>(); 
            protected override void OnInitialized()
                // Initialize your PhoneNumbers and PhoneTypeOptions
            private void AddPhoneNumber()
                phoneNumbers.Add(new PhoneNumberModel());
            private void Continue()
                // Handle the continue action
        @foreach (var phoneNumber in phoneNumbers)
                <label>Phone Type</label>
                <select @bind="phoneNumber.PhoneTypeID">
                    @foreach (var option in phoneTypeOptions)
                        <option value="@option. Value">@option.Text</option>
                <input type="text" @bind="phoneNumber.DialNumber" />
        <button @onclick="AddPhoneNumber">Add Phone Number</button>
        <button @onclick="Continue">Continue</button>

    Implement the SelectListItem Class

    public class SelectListItem
        public string Text { get; set; }
        public string Value { get; set; }