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Mike42/Escpos Class 'Escpos\CapabilityProfile' not found

Please help. I want to create print function with Codeigniter 4 using mike42/escpos

But the class not found.

This is error message

Erro message

This is my Folder directory

Folder Directory

This is my Autoload file

Autoload file

This is my controller file


Controller file

And this is my printer configuration

printer configuration

Help me, please. Thank you !

I want to create POS application with direct print using mike42/escpos


  • The CapabilityProfile class' full name is Mike42\Escpos\CapabilityProfile (namespace + classname in the CapabilityProfile.php file).

    'Escpos' => APPPATH . 'ThirdParty/Mike42/Escpos' tells the autoloader to look for classes which' full name starts with Escpos in the ThirdParty/Mike42/Escpos folder, but there are no classes which' full name starts with Escpos in that folder, they all start with Mike42\Escpos. That is why it can't find the class when you try to use Escpos\CapabilityProfile;.

    You need to change the array in your Autoload.php file to:

    $psr4 = [
        'App'           => APPPATH,
        'Config'        => APPPATH . 'Config',
        'Mike42\Escpos' => APPPATH . 'ThirdParty/Mike42/Escpos',

    And the use statements in your controller to:

    use Mike42\Escpos\PrintConnectors\WindowsPrintConnector;
    use Mike42\Escpos\CapabilityProfile;
    use Mike42\Escpos\Printer;