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How can I use SignalR in the class library, using the same instance as the webApplication project?

I am writing a core class library for SignalR. I created a class library and I added a SignalR package to that. as you know instances are different how can I use webApplication(Asp.Net-Code) project SignalR instance? Please share with me if you have a sample code thanks a lot


  • Hi I added a singleton class

    internal class HubClientsConnectedInfo
        private IHubCallerClients _clients;
        private IGroupManager _groups;
        public void Set(IHubCallerClients clients, IGroupManager groups)
            _clients ??= clients;
            _groups ??= groups;
        public IHubCallerClients Clients => _clients;
        public IGroupManager Groups => _groups;

    then i register it in Program.cs


    then i fill it on BaseHub.OnConnectedAsync