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How to detect if captcha is visible on playwright?

New to playwright and I'm practicing assertions. On this site, there is a visible captcha element and I can find it using frameLocator. The display is none. I'M NOT TRYING TO SOLVE IT, I just want to log that I've found it. When I use toBeVisible() it runs into an error saying "Expected: visible Received: hidden". Without using toBeHidden() how can I check that this is visible on the page? Here is the code below.

import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
import { describe } from 'node:test';

describe("Check if Captcha", () => {

  test('findCaptcha', async ({ page }) => {

    // go to this search
    await page.goto("")

    // click googles first result
    await page.getByRole('link', { name: 'ReCAPTCHA demo Google › recaptcha › api2 › demo' }).click();

    const captchaText = page.frameLocator('iframe[name="a-wzwqbw7k5wb7"]').getByText('I\'m not a robot');

    // expect captcha to be visible
    await expect(captchaText).toBeVisible();

I tried to wait for network responses when clicking it and although it worked, it threw an error in a situation where the captcha wasn't visible (It continued to try to make request and crashed when I gave it a timeout)


  • Iframe may have a different name each time - use the title instead

    import { test, expect } from "@playwright/test";
    test("", async ({ page }) => {
        await page.goto("");
        const frame = page.frameLocator("iframe[title='reCAPTCHA']");
        const label = frame.locator("#recaptcha-anchor-label");
        await expect(label).toHaveText("I'm not a robot");