I have Windows Service in ASP.NET Framework-4.8. I opened it in Visual Studio 2022, and as I wanted to commit to Azure repo as I've been doing, I got this error:
Git failed with a fatal error.
Git failed with a fatal error.
error: open(".vs/eApplicationService/FileContentIndex/6e0c3c20-14e0-4ba0-9337-9c4d788783a3.vsidx"): Permission denied
fatal: Unable to process path .vs/eApplicationService/FileContentIndex/6e0c3c20-14e0-4ba0-9337-9c4d788783a3.vsidx
You probably want to add .vs/
to your .gitignore
. Or select the default ignore file from gitignore.io and add that to the root of your git repo.