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Ingesting data from an API and webactivity

I need to ingest data from 3 endpoints. my pipeline is as follows: a web activity to obtain authentication to the api via a post request and 3 web activities to retrieve the data via a get request. I would need to ingest data from these 3 web activities to a location in the raw zone . How can I achieve this?

pipeline with three endpoints

I have managed to make the API calls and get a response. But have no knowledge on how to proceed further


  • You can directly use copy activity with Http connector to call your endpoints. and add it as source and the select appropriate sink. and copy the data

    • sample liked service:

    enter image description here

    • Source example

    enter image description here


    • Use copy activity with a sample .csv file with one column as the source dataset . Add additional column and provide a new column named Webactvityoutput with value = @string(activity('Web1').output) . enter image description here
    • In the sink, use another dataset with delimited text and pass file name as with .json extension. set Escape character as No escape character and Quote character as No quote character. enter image description here
    • In the mapping tab, click on Import schema and delete the column from dummy file and only keep the additionally added column. enter image description here
    • Execute the pipeline and check if the webActivity output got stored in the .json in the ADLS enter image description here