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How to Ratelimit a URL path with wagtail?

I am in the process of migrating an existing django project to use wagtail CMS.

I am unclear how I can ratelimit using wagtail, I see nothing about it in the documentation.

Take the following example:

Before integrating wagtail, I had a view which would return a privacy policy html page. This was ratelimited using redis, you can see the method decorator and method below

def show_privacy_policy(request):
    context = base_context(request)
    return render(

Now this is removed, and I have a more generic wagtail Page which is used to render pages such as terms and conditions or privacy policy, I call this an InfoPage. The only thing I have defined is my InfoPage model which has a template path attached wagtail/info_page.html.

class InfoPage(Page):

    template = "wagtail/info_page.html"
    last_modified_date = models.DateField("Last modified date")
    body = RichTextField(features=['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'ul', 'h3'])

    content_panels = Page.content_panels + [
    parent_page_types = ['news.Index']
    subpage_types = []

This simply just works, and all of my InfoPages are rendered correctly. However, I do not see any way to ratelimit access to these pages. If there is no way to ratelimit, I am susceptible to DDOS attacks and more. What am I missing here? Is there a way to ratelimit access or do I need to take a different approach?


  • All Wagtail page objects implement a serve method that behaves in the same way as a Django view, accepting a request object and returning a response. The @ratelimit decorator could most likely be applied here. However, this probably won't be very effective, since Wagtail has to perform a number of database queries just to find out which page corresponds to a given URL - by the time you've arrived at a page object, the request has already consumed a non-trivial amount of server resources.

    I would recommend applying rate limiting at the web server level - for example, see the Nginx documentation on rate limiting - or externally using a service such as Cloudflare, as @cnk suggests. These options will almost certainly be more security-hardened and better-performing than anything done at the Django / Python application layer.