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Request headers blank / cannot get via interceptor

I wanted to see the headers generated by Retrofit, so I added an interceptor:

Injected by Hilt:

internal object NetworkModule {

    fun provideRetrofit(): Retrofit =
                    .addInterceptor { chain ->
                        chain.request().also { request ->
                            val buffer = Buffer().also { request.body()?.writeTo(it) }
                            Log.d(TAG, "Intercepted request:")
                            Log.d(TAG, request.headers().toString())
                            Log.d(TAG, buffer.readUtf8())

    fun provideApiService(retrofit: Retrofit): ApiService =

Here is the called method:

    suspend fun login(
        @Path("sessionObject") sessionObject: String,
        @FieldMap formInputs: Map<String, String>,
    ): Response<ResponseBody>

The logs perfectly show all the form arguments in the body, but there are no headers. I tried .toMultimap() but that gave {} for the headers. Even if Retrofit wouldn't generate any header automatically, what I don't think, at least there must be the one generated by @FormUrlEncoded, or not?


  • I usually always use Logging Interceptor. It has level HEADERS, that can help you