I've got this code:
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
import logging
import os
import asyncio
import configure
from discord import app_commands
intents = discord.Intents.all()
BOT_TOKEN = configure.config["token"]
BOT_NAME = configure.config["name"]
client = commands.Bot(intents=discord.Intents.all(), command_prefix="/")
async def on_ready():
synced = await client.tree.sync()
print(f"Synced {len(synced)} commands")
except Exception as e:
@client.tree.command(name='marry', description="Suggest to marry" )
async def marry(ctx, user: discord.Member):
ctx.reply(f'{ctx.author} make a proposal to marry {user}')
async def setup():
print('setting up...')
async def main():
await setup()
await client.start(BOT_TOKEN)
The mistake is in "marry" command, that's what it returns:
discord.interactions.Interaction object at 0x0000016160E87F10>||rayanutka
(in this case I just put myself in second argument);
What should I do? I suggest there are mistakes outside that function.
I tried to write "contextlib = True" here:
@client.tree.command(name='marry', description="Suggest to marry", contextlib = True)
async def marry(ctx, user: discord.Member):
ctx.reply(f'{ctx.author} make a proposal to marry {user}')
but it makes a mistake:
File "D:\pyt_projects\dnevnik\venv\test.py", line 24, in <module>
@client.tree.command(name='marry', description="Suggest to marry", contextlib = True)
TypeError: CommandTree.command() got an unexpected keyword argument 'contextlib'
Application commands (those wrapped with the client.tree.command decorator) take an Interaction as defined at https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/interactions/api.html?highlight=commands#discord.app_commands
as their first argument not a Context object. On Interactions you must use relevant attributes and methods that are not on Context objects.
Perhaps you are looking for:
@client.tree.command(name='marry', description="Suggest to marry" )
async def marry(interaction, user: discord.Member):
message = await interaction.response.send_message(f'{interaction.user.name} make a proposal to marry {user}')