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How to resolve VSIX packages of type 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectTemplate' cannot include .pkgdef files

I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this for I cannot find any documentation. I created a new VSIX using the empty VSIX community Toolkit template, it includes the project template I created. When I attempt to upload it to the marketplace , I get the following error;

VSIX packages of type 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectTemplate' cannot include .pkgdef files.

That .pkgdef file only contains the following;


How do I resolve this in a way that the marketplace will let me upload my project template? I know what this is pointing to but don't understand how to resolve this so that the .pkgdef file is not generated and the reference to the nuget package is known/accepted.


  • I encountered a comparable error when uploading a *visx file to the Visual Studio Marketplace as a new visual studio extension. Following Alex's recommendation, I modified the false setting in the .csproj file, and this resolved the issue.