I am trying to improve our build/release process as work, but I have hit a snag, and I am not sure if it's because of trying to do the impossible, or just me not grasping some concepts.
As source we have a C# asp.net application with four appsettings-files for different environments. The appsettings are the default appsettings.json, appsettings.development.json, appsettings.test.json, and appsettings.release.json
Our environments are 'dev' which is a local developers PC, 'test' which is a test-server located onprem, and 'release' is also onprem but on a public-facing server. Later on the release-server will be in azure as a webapp. So it's nice to do this in a way that is compatible with Azure.
Ideally I want to have a build-once system where I build the code and generate artifacts, and just promote the artifacts from dev to test and finally release.
Is this a decent way to to this; I remove all appsettings files except appsettings.json, and add one build-pipeline to build it, and then make multiple release-pipelines, one pipeline per environment, each with a plethora of variables to configure the appsettings.json file to match the environment it will be deployed to?
Ideally I would like to keep the different appsettings files so all changes to the environments are configured there, but I realize that the way the appsettings files are manipulated on build means that won't work.
Hoping for some input so I can start setup this up. And thanks in advance.
Based on your requirement, you need to keep one appsettings.json file in the project and use multiple pipeline variables to configure the appsettings.json file based on the environment.
This is a common situation in CI/CD deployments.
To meet your requirement, I suggest that you can use the built-in task: File Transform task in each pipelines to replace the value in the Appsettings.json file.
Here is an example:
"Data": {
"DefaultConnection": {
"ConnectionString": "Data Source=(LocalDb)\\MSDB;AttachDbFilename=aspcore-local.mdf;"
"DebugMode": "enabled",
"DBAccess": {
"Administrators": ["Admin-1", "Admin-2"],
"Users": ["Vendor-1", "vendor-3"]
"FeatureFlags": {
"Preview": [
"newUI": "AllAccounts"
"NewWelcomeMessage": "Newusers"
Set the Pipeline variables and use File Transform task:
Data.DebugMode: disabled
Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString: 'Data Source=(prodDB)\MSDB;AttachDbFilename=prod.mdf;'
Data.DBAccess.Users.0: Admin-3
Data.FeatureFlags.Preview.1.NewWelcomeMessage: AllAccounts
# Update appsettings.json via FileTransform task.
- task: FileTransform@2
displayName: 'File transformation: appsettings.json'
folderPath: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/$(Build.BuildId).zip'
targetFiles: '**/appsettings.json'
fileType: json
For more detailed info, you can refer to this doc: JSON variable substitution