I've been using sympy to help simplify expressions, but at times I would like sympy to only do a limited amount of simplification/expansion.
For example, suppose I have the code:
x = symbols("x")
poly = x*(x**2+x*(x+2))
If I do, expand(poly)
, I expand to an expression with no parenthesis, but is it possible to apply only the outer distributive property?, i.e., to get just: x^3+x^2(x+2)
I tried looking at https://docs.sympy.org/latest/tutorials/intro-tutorial/manipulation.html, but it doesn't seem to help.
You can use deep=False
In [51]: x = symbols("x")
...: poly = x*(x**2+x*(x+2))
In [52]: poly
⎛ 2 ⎞
x⋅⎝x + x⋅(x + 2)⎠
In [53]: expand_mul(poly, deep=False)
3 2
x + x ⋅(x + 2)
This example also works with expand
but since you are being selective about the manipulation that you want I suggest using expand_mul