I am making a 2d java game, where player needs to shoot tiles. I encountered a bug in my code, the bullet destroys nearby tiles, but not always and not properly.
You see, I want bullets to destroy the tile that it touches, and a tile at up, left, right, botton... You got it. Here is my code, I think I messed up something as always.
In my opinion the error is in the player class because it handles the destruction.
Short version of Player.java: (no imports, etc).
public class Player{
public int pointX;
public int pointY;
public int velocityX;
public int defaultVelX = 15;
public int cooldown = 2;
public boolean shooting = false;
public Tile hitTile = null;
YeahGame yg;
Shot shot;
TileManager tm;
public Player(int x, int y, YeahGame yg) {
this.pointX = x;
this.pointY = y;
this.yg = yg;
tm = yg.tm;
public void shoot() {
if (!shooting) {
shot = new Shot(pointX, pointY, yg);
shooting = true;
public void Hit(int offsetX, int offsetY, int level) {
Tile tl = tm.GetTile(hitTile.x + offsetX, hitTile.y + offsetY);
if (tl != null && tl.isActive) {
if (level >= tl.level) {
tl.isActive = false;
} else {
tl.level -= level;
public void DestroyTiles() {
if (cooldown > 0) {
} else if (cooldown == 0) {
cooldown = 2;
public boolean bulletCollision() {
boolean is = false;
if (shooting) {
for (ArrayList<Tile> sampleRow : tm.rows) {
for (Tile tile : sampleRow) {
if (tile.isActive) {
Rectangle shotRect = new Rectangle(shot.pointX+yg.tileSize/4, shot.pointY+yg.tileSize/4, yg.tileSize/2, yg.tileSize/2);
Rectangle tileRect = new Rectangle(tile.x * yg.tileSize, tile.y * yg.tileSize, yg.tileSize, yg.tileSize);
if (tileRect.intersects(shotRect)) {
is = true;
hitTile = tile;
if (is) {
return is;
public void update() {
if (shooting) {
if (bulletCollision()) {
shooting = false;
shot = null;
else if (shot.pointY < 0) {
shooting = false;
shot = null;
public void draw(Graphics g) {
g.fillRect(pointX, pointY, yg.tileSize, yg.tileSize);
if (shooting) {
Ok guys, the problem was in a function that I accidentally didn't include in my code here on stackoverflow. Here is the error part of the code:
for (ArrayList<Tile> sampleRow : rows) {
for (Tile tile : sampleRow) {
if (tile.isActive) {
tile.y += 1;
if (tile.y == (yg.height/yg.tileSize)-yg.tileSize) {
yg.failed = true;
You see, it moves all the tiles down except disabled ones. They were over each other, blocking the collision detection, so I made it so every tile goes down, even disabled ones.
for (ArrayList<Tile> sampleRow : rows) {
for (Tile tile : sampleRow) {
tile.y += 1;
if (tile.isActive) {
if (tile.y == (yg.height/yg.tileSize)-yg.tileSize) {
yg.failed = true;