I have a docker private registry deployed locally at
, which is protected with a self-signed SSL/TLS certificate. This registry contains images that are used during container deployment.
However, I am currently facing an issue where the SSL/TLS certificate has expired, and I am no longer able to log in using the command:
docker login -u 'username:test'
executing the above command results in the following error:
Error response from daemon: Get "": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2024-01-01T14:04:11+04:30 is after 2023-11-12T05:19:15Z
What I did was to generate a new set of certificates and then restart/reinitialize the Docker container as follows:
docker run -d \
--restart=always \
--name registry \
-v `pwd`/auth:/auth \
-v `pwd`/certs:/certs \
-v `pwd`/certs:/certs \
-e REGISTRY_AUTH=htpasswd \
-e REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_CERTIFICATE=/certs/certificate.crt \
-e REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_KEY=/certs/private.key \
-p 443:443 registry:2
This approach was successful, but as you can observe, it represents a fresh deployment. Consequently, all the images have been removed from the registry.
2nd Guess: I also uploaded the new certificates to the docker container as follows:
docker cp certs <registry_container_id>:/certs
and restarted the container:
docker restart <registry_container_id>
The aforementioned action led to the private key not being parsed, consequently causing the container to fail during the restart.
On another note, is there a method to update the SSL/TLS certificate of the Docker registry without causing any disruptions?
The registry
image stores uploaded images at /var/lib/registry
, so to persist them from container instance to container instance, you need to map a volume or a host directory to that path.
For instance, if you want to store the images in a volume called my-images
, you'd add
-v my-images:/var/lib/registry
to your docker run