So I've written some code to get the thumbnail from a file using a file path string as an input. First I get the IShellItem at the location, then get the IThumbnailProvider, and now I'm trying to get the thumbnail from the ThumbnailProvider.
unsafe {
CoInitialize(None).expect("Failed to initialize COM");
let item: IShellItem = SHCreateItemFromParsingName(
).expect("Failed to get shell item");
let thumb_provider: IThumbnailProvider = item
.BindToHandler(None, &BHID_ThumbnailHandler)
.expect("Failed to get thumbnail provider");
let mut icon_bitmap_ref = MaybeUninit::<HBITMAP>::uninit();
let mut alpha_type = MaybeUninit::<WTS_ALPHATYPE>::uninit();
let mut icon_bitmap = MaybeUninit::<BITMAP>::uninit();
.GetThumbnail(96, icon_bitmap_ref.as_mut_ptr(), alpha_type.as_mut_ptr())
.expect("Failed to get thumbnail");
// Errors right after this
std::mem::size_of::<BITMAP>() as i32,
0 => panic!("Failed to get bitmap"),
_ => {
let icon_image = match alpha_type.assume_init() {
WTSAT_UNKNOWN => bitmap_to_image(icon_bitmap.assume_init(), true),
WTSAT_RGB => bitmap_to_image(icon_bitmap.assume_init(), false),
WTSAT_ARGB => bitmap_to_image(icon_bitmap.assume_init(), true),
_ => unreachable!("Unknown alpha type"),
};"icon.png").expect("Failed to save icon");
But every time I try and run it, it returns this error
Failed to get thumbnail provider: Error { code: HRESULT(0x80004001), message: "Not implemented" }
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it's just a memory issue, since I've never programmed in C or C++, and I'm very new to win32 and low level rust, but the error message isn't helpful whatsoever, and I can't tell what I'm doing wrong.
As @RemyLebeau said, there is no thumbnail provider for the executable file.
While the IShellItemImageFactory interface
Exposes a method to return either icons or thumbnails for Shell items. If no thumbnail or icon is available for the requested item, a per-class icon may be provided from the Shell.
A full example Using Image Factory.