I have this Material UI DatePicker:
<Grid item xs={12}>
<LocalizationProvider dateAdapter={AdapterDayjs}>
label="Date of birth"
value = {values.dob}
sx={{ width: '50%' }}
textField: {
id: 'dob',
helperText: touched.dob ? errors.dob : "",
error: touched.dob && Boolean(errors.dob),
onChange={(value) => {
setFieldValue('dob', value ? dayjs(value).toDate() : null);
setFieldTouched('dob', true);
The problem I have is that my DatePicker
only works at the second time.
It says required
at the first time instead of saying Date of birth cannot be in the future
then at the second time it says Date of birth cannot be in the future
I always need 2 clicks to change it, if it says Date of birth cannot be in the future
and then I change it to yesterday it will still say "Date of birth cannot be in the future", I need to click something else per example the textfield name
and click somewhere else and it will update.
If someone can help me it would be great.
const { values, errors, touched, handleBlur, handleChange, handleSubmit, setFieldValue, setFieldTouched } = useFormik({
initialValues: {
name: "",
dob: null,
email: "",
validationSchema: formSchema,
export const formSchema = yup.object().shape({
name: yup.string().matches(nameRules, 'Please enter a valid name').max(40).required("Required"),
dob: yup.date().max(new Date(), 'Date of birth cannot be in the future').required('Required'),
email: yup.string().email("Please enter a valid email").required("Required"),
I found out that what is making it having to be clicked 2 times to change is the setFieldTouched('dob', true);
but if I remove it then I will lose my helperText.
I am expecting for it to change with one click.
I just found out why, the setFieldTouched
needs to come first.
onChange={(value) => {
setFieldTouched('dob', true);
setFieldValue('dob', value ? dayjs(value).toDate() : null);
instead of:
onChange={(value) => {
setFieldValue('dob', value ? dayjs(value).toDate() : null);
setFieldTouched('dob', true);