Suppose there is a file named example_file
, let's assume it's binary.
I want to replace all occurrences of the string example_str
in it with the corresponding sequence of null bytes (\0
), so that each character in the occurrence is replaced by a null byte. (explicitly specifying \0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0
is not an option because (1) it's inconvenient, (2) I would like to use this command multiple times for different strings)
Is there a bash
command to achieve this? I'd prefer it to be as concise and straightforward as possible.
perl -0777spe'BEGIN { $r = "\0" x length($s) } s/\Q$s/$r/g' -- -s=example_str
This loads the entire file into memory.
This works for any substring. It can contain any "special" character except NULs since they can't be passed a parameters. You'd have to hardcode the pattern if you want to pass NULs,
perl -0777pe'
$s = "\0\1\2\0\1\2";
$r = "\0" x length($s);
or use some form of encoding.
perl -0777spe'
$s = pack "H*", $s;
$r = "\0" x length($s);
' -- -s=000102000102 # Hex
See Specifying file to process to Perl one-liner. Any use of -i
would have to be placed before the --
$ printf 'fooqwebar\n' >file
$ perl -0777spe'BEGIN { $r = "\0" x length($s) } s/\Q$s/$r/g' -i -- -s=qwe file
$ cat -vT file